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- dancingphil commented Aug 12, 2016
More IMF dribble. YOUR (whoever is reading this) GDP, is your income. It is what you earn when you get paid for your efforts. From YOUR GDP, you pay your debts and cost of living, and after that you have surplus or an accumulated debt. As the ...
IMF tells China: Fix your debt problem now
- dancingphil commented Aug 12, 2016
As if the IMF could organize a piss-up in a brewery! Just look at the massive damage the IMF caused in the Asian crisis in the late 1990's. Their direct damage was MASSIVE. There are primarily TWO things wrong in the Economics of this stupid world ...
China GDP growth to fall below 6% by 2020: IMF
- dancingphil commented Jul 30, 2016
You are NOT wrong in what you are saying. And following this line of argument, this is also true: 1 Curing cancer once and for all is TERRIBLE for GDP. The cost of providing useless solutions to ease the eventual death of patients costs MUCH more ...
US Admits It "Found A Problem" In Calculation Of GDP
- dancingphil commented Jul 23, 2016
Let it all go ThunderFart. Your little club of yourself, jen101 and Devauxt are SO BORING!!!!
The Failure of Free Migration
- dancingphil commented Jul 22, 2016
What's the big hoo-hah about? This product can only advantage Market Maker brokers - the type of broker that trades against you; and if you are using such a broker, then you are an idiot and deserve to lose. ECN broker's profits are NOT determined ...
Gold-i Launches Scalper Watch for MT4 Brokers
- dancingphil commented Jul 21, 2016
Thanks for that, I didn't know. Yes similar, though not the same. He's a smart guy, and he's adapted what he now knows to a broad audience that includes the USA where hedging is not permitted and leverage is greatly constrained. As I said, I am not ...
Why I Switched From Forex To Futures
- dancingphil commented Jul 19, 2016
Clearly you are a liar, and have never visited China before; or you are a cowardly racist buffoon too scared to be logged in to slag off the Chinese. I've lived here for 9.5 years, and I have NEVER seen two Chinese people look remotely the same. The ...
Shame on you! China uses public billboards to expose runaway debtors
- dancingphil commented Jul 18, 2016
Actually, Moritz joined my Forex mentoring group in October 2013, and made his first million dollars circa April 2015. From his first million, he then invested a large six figure amount in his father's new business (in Germany), and he continued his ...
Why I Switched From Forex To Futures
- dancingphil commented Jul 11, 2016
I think it was in an excellent book by James Rickards called "Currency Wars" where he discusses this. That if all of the major economies of the world are included, and that the definitions of money supply include M1 and M2, then gold would need to ...
Alan Greenspan wants the US to go back on the gold standard
- dancingphil commented Jul 11, 2016
That is a given whilst there is no gold standard. The global economy is a constant currency war, where money is printed at massive rates just to debase each nation's currency. The point of a gold standard is to stabilize it all. And it is most ...
Alan Greenspan wants the US to go back on the gold standard
- dancingphil commented Jul 11, 2016
It is USELESS telling us what Greenspan wrote in essays 50 years ago, and that he betrayed his beliefs whilst at the Fed. Such dishonesty is the American/Wall Street way. Yet it is common sense to return to a gold standard, and it is unavoidable. ...
Alan Greenspan wants the US to go back on the gold standard
- dancingphil commented Jul 6, 2016
It's not so complicated really. Psychology, Economics and Politics are all Social Sciences. And the word SCIENCE is used inappropriately by all 3 schools - there's nothing scientific about them. Just as Freud was cocaine addled and addicted when he ...
- dancingphil commented Jul 3, 2016
How is it that Australia is so STUPID with its electoral processes? Really? Voting is done on paper? And then the paper is couriered to a central point for counting? The AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) just said; "[today] We will be doing ...
RBA Seen in Wait-and-Watch Mode as Vote, Brexit Unrest Play Out
- dancingphil commented Jul 3, 2016
And the world is so much better off for your reasoned insight and vision Aussi; so pleased that your vote was cast because you love fish, chips and gods.
Turnbull Confident of Forming Government Despite Election Limbo
- dancingphil commented Jul 3, 2016
A very wise question! Who among us really need corrupt fools to tax us so that they can use the funds to control us?
Turnbull Confident of Forming Government Despite Election Limbo
- dancingphil commented Jul 3, 2016
Which is my point entirely. Thinking; critical thinking - free from the noise; it is not for everyone. Your comment has proved this very well.
Turnbull Confident of Forming Government Despite Election Limbo
- dancingphil commented Jul 3, 2016
Indeed. He has been a great teacher. Though a man of few words. The fact is, most humans THINK they are thinking, but actually it is just a FEELING they have - and yet it is a very real experience to them as "thinking". The human brain has 2 wiring ...
Turnbull Confident of Forming Government Despite Election Limbo
- dancingphil commented Jul 3, 2016
Only fools trade what they think. Especially true for "the gap" issue, because it will already have happened before you can take a position. Trade the PA you see, NOT what you think. My father had a quaint saying when I was a little boy, after I'd ...
Turnbull Confident of Forming Government Despite Election Limbo
- dancingphil commented Jul 3, 2016
I am STUNNED by the nonsensical comments I am reading here. @ Aussi. @ PaulDaemon. REALLY? Pauline Hansen? The fish and chips shop owner and racist who can barely string 2 coherent words together? Next you'll be telling us Clive Palmer is an honest ...
Turnbull Confident of Forming Government Despite Election Limbo