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- 50 Results (1 Threads, 49 Replies)
- htbreaker replied Dec 20, 2008
ROFL. IBFX is just a bucketshop like oanda,MBT and a lot of more.
Is IBFX really different from the other brokers?
- htbreaker replied Dec 19, 2008
@ fxtrader42 You're so absolutely right.Here are too many MBT a** kissers who are thinking they deal with an ECN. No professional would ever deal with them.
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Dec 18, 2008
I traded in the past with MBT. You get slipped even if the market is calm.When you set limit orders you often won't get filled. Spreads are much wider than on other ECNs + you pay an horrible expensive commission. During news the Quote-board and ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Dec 8, 2008
I came to conclusion that MBT isn't a ECN. Before US session USD/JPY is 2 pips and mostly "fixed" spread - like an market maker or bucket shop. Other ECN broker offer at same time tighter spreads + sub pips on their prices. When US session opens, ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Dec 1, 2008
I don't work for them and i have no relationship with them. I'm just telling the truth about your ridiculous spreads,commission and rollover rates. Even the most deal desk and market makers are more attractive than MBT.
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Dec 1, 2008
"Trade between the spreads". LOL I tried many times and rarely got filled. Also MBT don't show every price movement. It's nothing different than a Deal Desk. You can run MBT and ATC Brokers simultaniously. Then you can figure out which broker comes ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Nov 30, 2008
MB Trading vs. ATC Brokers (with MT4) and vs. Dukascopy. For example USD/JPY: image You will see it all day long. MBT screw their clients. A picture tells 1000 words.
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Nov 29, 2008
Other ECN brokers can. That's the difference and that's why the spread on EUR/USD is just 0,3 - 1 pip while on MBT are 2-3 pips.
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Nov 21, 2008
The typical excuse.
MB Trading Futures - IntroductionI've never expected that jleblang would admit that other ECN broker are still better.
- htbreaker replied Nov 3, 2008
Fixed spreads while they're claiming to be an ECN broker?! Today i tried the Metatrader demo. It's a dealing-desk! image
SwissFXBroker (SFXB)--has anyone ever used them?
- htbreaker replied Oct 12, 2008
Other ECN broker like Hotspot or IB had the nearly same "bad" spreads. It's a current market problem.
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- htbreaker replied Aug 5, 2008
I trade(d) with both. With Hostspot i have much lower commission and it's perfect for scalping (slippage protection). I'm with the EU version.
HotspotFX or MBTrading
- htbreaker replied Aug 2, 2008
Yes, commission is $4 per $100k. They are as expensive as ATC Brokers.
MetaSpotFX pure ECN , MT4 ,
- htbreaker replied Jul 29, 2008
Are you joking? Every successful trader would never use oanda.
Any Successful trader here using Oanda?
- htbreaker replied Jul 29, 2008
They claim to be the biggest decentralized FX-Marketplace. I've never found any information to which banks they are connected to. Spreads are often worse than real ECN-brokers.
Dukascopy and instant execution...
- htbreaker replied Jul 21, 2008
Since i'm with Hotspot the more I scalped. Lower fees have a big effect.
Would you trade more if broker fees were lower?
- htbreaker replied Jul 18, 2008
With 7500$ you can start with Hotspot an you will pay 6$ roundturn (1 Lot) each pair. Why do you waste time with MBT?
How to get lower MBT trading commissions
- htbreaker replied Jul 9, 2008
Everybody knows that MM runs for stop-huntig. It's the easiest way to earn money from clients.
Oanda Stop Hunting?