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- kbharunt replied Jan 18, 2023
Please add a code to make the EA to stop trading for the day After the account balance is positive for the day.
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- kbharunt replied Mar 12, 2021
can any one convert mt4 EA to a mt5 EA
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- kbharunt replied Nov 30, 2019
Than what are you doing here.Open another thread with title i will code your eas for a fee.
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- kbharunt replied Nov 30, 2019
25 persons downloaded my EA. but no body seems to be interested in modifying my EA. Is there any body who can do this please..
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- kbharunt replied Nov 28, 2019
hi, i want a littlehelp in modifying this EA.In the EA take profit is fixed. i want TP to keep moving with the price movement Like trailing stop. as the price moves against my entry the take profit will keep coming down. Thanks in advance
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- kbharunt replied Dec 26, 2018
hi how to code stoploss. I want put stoploss at the lowest point of the recent low on the chart. At present my EA places stoploss at the Low[1] in case of buy. i want to change it to place at the recent low. thanks in advance for the help
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- kbharunt replied May 23, 2017
hi wangyu, hi,have posted an EA in post no.11.please do it.and one more thing.i want the EA not to take any more trade on the day as soon as we are in profit by say 2 $ or 4 $ or whatever defined by the user.
Free EA/Indi/Script Programming Service with Code Provided
- kbharunt replied Apr 16, 2017
I want some modification in the attached EA.I dont want EA to place order at certain time Like 15 & 17 hrs candle(chart time) because us data is released in these hourly candles.there may be other candle also depending on the currency pair when i ...
Free EA/Indi/Script Programming Service with Code Provided
- kbharunt replied Apr 2, 2017
Do any body have an ea which can sell at days high and buy at days low.i will start the EA manually every day it will stop after a profitable trade no trade after that for the day.EA should also place specified SL and TP.i will use hourly chart to ...
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- kbharunt replied Mar 31, 2017
Can some one add this feature to my attached EA. if there is 2 consecutive loosing trade than double the lot size for third trade.if there is 2 more loosing trade than double again for 5th trade and so on.lot size will return to initial lot size as ...
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- kbharunt replied Mar 6, 2017
[quote=kbharunt;9593465]Can some one add this feature to my attached EA. if there is 2 consecutive loosing trade than double the lot size for third trade.if there is 2 more loosing trade than double again for 5th trade and so on.lot size will return ...
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- kbharunt replied Feb 23, 2017
Can some one add this feature to my attached EA. if there is 2 consecutive loosing trade than double the lot size for third trade.if there is 2 more loosing trade than double again for 5th trade and so on.lot size will return to initial lot size as ...
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- kbharunt replied Feb 21, 2017
Sir few days back i too posted a request for modification of my EA regarding lot multiplication.please do it too.
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- kbharunt replied Feb 15, 2017
Can some one add this feature to my attached EA. if there is 2 consecutive loosing trade than double the lot size for third trade.if there is 2 more loosing trade than double again for 5th trade and so on.lot size will return to initial lot size as ...
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- kbharunt replied Feb 13, 2017
Can some one add this feature to my attached EA. if there is 2 consecutive loosing trade than double the lot size for third trade.if there is 2 more loosing trade than double again for 5th trade and so on.lot size will return to initial lot size as ...
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- kbharunt replied Feb 10, 2017
Sir,u have modified my ea once.sir,one more modification is required. if there is 2 consecutive loosing trade than double the lot size for third trade.if there is 2 more loosing trade than double again for 5th trade and so on.lot size will return to ...
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- kbharunt replied Jan 12, 2017
looks like RSI is applied to 0 candle in my EA.i want it to applied to close[1]. it will be very helpful if u can do one more thing.i want the ea to sleep during 20 hrs to 01 hrs (chart time). So please code this as well. Thanks in adance
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- kbharunt replied Jan 9, 2017
it's look like the RSI is applied to Close[0].i want it to applied to close[1]. How to change it ?
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- kbharunt replied Jan 8, 2017
Thanks a lot sir,i have not made any money with this EA so far.I keep doing small modification in the EA.i have changed buy and sell rules many times.But no success so far.If i make money With this EA i will share my settings fully with you. Thanks ...
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- kbharunt replied Jan 8, 2017
Hi, i m attaching an Ea here.i want a RSI filter added to it.i want the EA not to take any long position if the RSI is above 60 and not to take any short position if the RSI is below 30. Thank you very much in advance
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