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- kangiwa commented Jun 4, 2018
I will also want the entire word to disregard this claim as a baseless allegation and another ploy by the Police chief to implicate the senate president by all means”, while Kwara State governor, Abdulfatah Ahmed, also dismissed the allegations, ...
Nigerian Senate President Denies Involvement in Bank Robbery
- kangiwa commented Nov 7, 2017
It's just a vicious circle, what comes around goes around! Freedom has its own consequences.
Woman who gave Trump the middle finger fired from her job
- kangiwa commented Nov 2, 2016
That's unfair! The casino takes your money when you lose, why not give some token if you think what she win is too much.
Woman denied $43 million jackpot, offered steak dinner instead
- kangiwa commented Aug 2, 2016
17 out of 20 economist forecasted may 3 rate cut. Today 20 out of 25 economist forecasted the rate cut! Nice forecasting
Statement by Glenn Stevens, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision
- kangiwa commented Jul 27, 2016
The last time I checked the committee emphasizes on full employment, now it says " In light of the current shortfall of inflation from 2 percent, the Committee will carefully monitor actual and expected progress toward its inflation goal.
Fed Says Risks Have Diminished as It Leaves Main Rate Unchanged
- kangiwa commented Jul 23, 2016
There's contradiction between your subheadings and the content of your writing. You haven't said anything about the FED and the $ advance!
Will the FOMC Halt the Dollar's Advance?
- kangiwa commented Jun 23, 2016
I regret making Alpari my broker in Nigeria, since from yesterday I was unable to open new trade from my meta trader account! Qoatoff, Trade disable etc. This is the end of my business with alpari. Fxopen am so sorry that I left you guys
Alpari’s May trading volume down to $89 bln
- kangiwa commented Jun 20, 2016
That's an old news! We need a current one.
EU referendum poll: Remain: 42% (-2) Leave: 44% (+1) (via YouGov, online / 17 - 19 Jun)
- kangiwa commented Jun 20, 2016
Nigeria is on a Cliff to ressession, with it's curency loose from the dollar peg and become freely floating, it will make foreign goods less attractive and the demand for locally made goods will increase thereby adjusting its balance of payment BOP. ...
Five ways Nigeria’s currency flotation will affect life
- kangiwa commented Jun 13, 2016
The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased. It can only be accepted! On behave of my humble self & my silly brother, am truly sorry for those previous comments. Love you all! Let's trade safe in these hight volatile times, and always ...
Customer didn’t notice bank robbery was happening right in front of him
- kangiwa commented Jan 13, 2016
This is the Hand work of PDP! Which is the previous political party that loss the presidential election last year. May God help our new elected president in Nigeria and save the country from all the form of mischief PDP is planning.
Nigeria parliament 'loses 2016 budget documents'
- kangiwa commented Dec 31, 2015
Love you all! We wish you a happy New Year and success in your trading! Always remember your money management techniques, you can't afford to lose money in the Golden Year 2016.
USD/CHF could move sharply in first week of 2016
- kangiwa commented Dec 31, 2015
That's Right! Usdchf is on Viagra closing just 60 pips above last year hight! The BULLS have more to Rule next year.
USD/CHF could move sharply in first week of 2016
- kangiwa commented Dec 31, 2015
Usdchf is on Viagra closing just 60 pips above last year hight! The BULLS have more to Rule next year.
Cable crumbles in thin liquidity, USD broadly bid
- kangiwa commented Dec 16, 2015
Am shorting currencies with negative rates against the $
FOMC Statement
- kangiwa commented Dec 3, 2015
Draghi disappointed investors, they were expecting additional stimulus!
ECB Monetary policy decisions