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- PaulVic commented Jan 4, 2023
Talk of price controls from Croatia Govt hint at a disturbing lack of economic understanding.
Croatia in throes of euro price hikes
- PaulVic commented Aug 3, 2022
She is talking USA into a war. US has prodded the bear for decades with now predictable outcome, it is now prodding a far greater adversary. Give us mercy from such incompetence.
Pelosi Vows US Won’t Abandon Taiwan in Face of Chinese Pressure
- PaulVic commented Apr 10, 2022
VDL is a complete idiot if this news item is to be believed. The whole purpose of the EU was to prevent wars in Europe , this will be seen as a direct threat by Putin. The countries that border Russia need to be seen as independent otherwise Putin ...
EU’s Von Der Leyen: EU To Accelerate Ukraine Membership
- PaulVic commented Mar 25, 2022
Russia must pay one way or another, a country has to be rebuilt. All Russian assets abroad should be confiscated and handed over to Ukraine.
Western Countries consider new sanctions against Russia, limiting their access to gold
- PaulVic commented Nov 15, 2021
I agree, the Fibonacci erection has over extended itself and is bound to retrace and go into a sleepy state for a while...
$4 a minute for fetishes: How the 1-900 phone-sex industry changed America
- PaulVic commented Oct 20, 2021
It like the Euro will fail because its basis is also unworkable. You cannot have a "currency" based on a bag of differing economic systems, pegs and semi pegs are proved not to work. But hey, we can see the Euro is failing, we want to show we are ...
Digital euro will bring innovation opportunities
- PaulVic commented Oct 7, 2021
Little evidence = some evidence. If its not a problem stop talking about it. When a gun is smoking there will be a bullet as evidence, so who has the bullet?? Thats right, its hidden behind or in all the Bu****it.
ECB's Schnabel: little evidence that high inflation rates are becoming entrenched
- PaulVic commented Jun 22, 2021
Never mind, poor Liberals, perhaps they can fill the budget deficit as result of monies saved by Riot Police resignations and all the defunded police. Bless.
Timeline: 150 Years of U.S. National Debt
- PaulVic commented Jun 16, 2021
This is curious. With exception of copper, China is a producer country (in Aluminium, zinc). Why would they want to see downward cost pressure, unless it is ultimately to increase demand in the long term. As we know gold prices have been kept back, ...
China Will Release Reserves of Copper Aluminium and Zinc In Near Term
- PaulVic commented Jun 14, 2021
What British Franco relationship, there has never been one.
French President Macron offers UK PM Johnson 'Le reset' if he keeps his Brexit word – Reuters
- PaulVic commented Jun 7, 2021
dumb article, pure crap.
Boris Johnson will finally tell the world what post-Brexit Britain is for
- PaulVic commented May 17, 2021
These people should be tried for the possible consequences of their actions. It is highly feasible that deaths will occur either directly or indirectly as a result of their actions. The sentence should always be murder. One penalty, death. Pure ...
2nd Hack - Russian crime gang who targeted HSE in cyber attack hold Health Dept to ransom as...
- PaulVic commented May 10, 2021
Sorry but your "Point of Fact" is nothing but a point of Rubbish. There is a difference between bribery and paying for something. At the time Scotland was in debt way over its head due to its own mismanagement, all Scots not just the wealthy took ...
Johnson Rejects Scottish Referendum Calls
- PaulVic commented May 9, 2021
I dont know what all the fuss is about. Scotland is a bought country. It "belongs" to the UK. UK Government paid £500,000 in 1707. With inflation that is now nearly £1T. This money was paid to the Scots to get them out of a pickle and the UK, or ...
Johnson Rejects Scottish Referendum Calls
- PaulVic commented Apr 28, 2021
To quote you "...and needs further strengthening and integration..." you just dont get it do you. Your "quote" is the whole problem "further integration" means closer political integration, nothing else will do. I for one do not want that, it is ...
France Warns U.K. of ‘Retaliation’ in Post-Brexit Banking Rules
- PaulVic commented Apr 27, 2021
its all bluff. If UK pulled banking services completely Euro would collapse. EU is proving it cant manage jack. However UK does not play silly games like EU. Vaccine is a case in point. While EU are talking about taking AZ to court (even though they ...
France Warns U.K. of ‘Retaliation’ in Post-Brexit Banking Rules
- PaulVic commented Apr 4, 2021
See the lefties are busy today, why dont you do something you are good at. Have a riot, break a few shop windows. As far as you are concerned its your way or the highway, or rather, block the highway.
Hundreds join 'kill the bill' rallies across Britain against proposed protest law
- PaulVic commented Mar 31, 2021
"ECB'S PRESIDENT LAGARDE: EVERYONE WOULD HAVE ENOUGH WARNING BEFORE WE UNWIND STIMULUS." That sounds a bit like Gordon Brown announcing he's going to be "selling all the Gold next week". If that is the case, she has no clue and EU are in deep ...
Lagarde: 'Markets Can Test Us As Much As They Want'