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- harold4x replied Jan 5, 2010
well cant recieve pm so email me at [email protected] if interested in mentoring or managed accts
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Jan 4, 2010
Its january and am setting up teaching schedules there is room for 12 more this month i am also managing accts if interested send me a pm
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Nov 26, 2009
hey stitch my old friend you to have a blessed thanksgiving
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Oct 10, 2009
you want to see 123 setups with charts look at key to the mint
Law Of Chart
- harold4x replied Oct 2, 2009
well last month managed acct made 72% for those in uk who need to open offshore act to have acct managed in usa check out ocra.com
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Jul 13, 2009
after a closer look it does seem that the close of the 22 gmt candle is better to do the straddle
EUR/JPY Pairs- straddle Tokyo Open
- harold4x replied Jul 13, 2009
Rather than confuse yourselves with the actual time in his fist post he said to take the 2300 gmt candle and straddle that candle pretty explanitory last nights high 128.20 and low 127.99 by just doing 1 to 1 RR looking to getthe difference from ...
EUR/JPY Pairs- straddle Tokyo Open
- harold4x replied May 5, 2009
On both of these type trades you need not look at daily or indicators strictly price action at the end of the trend buy low sell high ON THE 4 B TRADE MUST TAKE OUT POINT 2 BY 5 TH BAR OR CANCEL TRADE
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied May 4, 2009
Still here i have added to ny arsenal2 more setups which i call a 2 b and 4 b the 2 b is where a 123 is setting up and the 3 point takes out point 1 by a few pips and forms a reversal bar like a spinning top pin bar etc the entry is the high of that ...
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Apr 5, 2009
its much easier if i say it if going long and point 2 is 1.1320 we enter at 1.1321/24 thats with spread added if point 3 is 1.1305 stop is 04 thats simple enough to determine that target is when price on chart reaches1.1344 thats the 20 pip ...
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Apr 2, 2009
hey guys watch out where you take these 123's we want price to trend in opposite direction remember buy low sell high
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Apr 1, 2009
just look at all the charts i have posted till you turn blue and you will see the regularity of this deal
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Apr 1, 2009
since trading is about how much money you make and not how many pips you get having 10-13 trades amonth is plenty to make money if you win 9 and lose 4 you are +5 wins at 3-5% thats 15-25% where you going to get a return like that because i havent ...
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Apr 1, 2009
didnt understand that question lowen i dont look at candles on daily i was telling u about a 123 in the gbpusd on 5 min chart
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Apr 1, 2009
if you had same broker as me the 555 gmt candle would be point 2 and the 600 would be point 3 on yours it took out low that 123 was beginning of the upmove you are talking about
the key to the mint
- harold4x replied Apr 1, 2009
bullseye lowen if you have a 123 and it trigerrs but the rsi and or ema's dont comfirm and then another 123 follows like the one tyou shown thats a go
the key to the mint