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- 26 Results (3 Threads, 23 Replies)
- howwwndog replied Jan 13, 2006
metatrader looks promising — I downloaded vt trader and it didn't work (corrupted download???) then I downloaded metatrader and it does look very promiseing. I am reading through the help file on the program, and it looks like the expert ...
Tradeing software/programs
- howwwndog replied Jan 12, 2006
Thanks all who responded. I will check out some of these platforms. I like merlins Idea of a computer that shouts "Wake up you bastard" . Thats more of what i'm used to and i would respond in kind! Thanks
Tradeing software/programs
- howwwndog replied Jan 11, 2006
what is metatrader anyways? I haven't checked the site yet
Tradeing software/programs
- howwwndog replied Jan 11, 2006
as far as my plans go, this is critical if i am going to make forex work. or else i have to trade longer trends. However you are always getting charged interest ETC when ever you leave a trade open. anyone out there to answer the question?? If there ...
Tradeing software/programs
- Tradeing software/programsStarted Jan 11, 2006|Rookie Talk|11 replies
I am looking for a program which I can use to implement My tradeing plans. So many possible ...
- howwwndog replied Jan 11, 2006
PIP values — I use GCI as a broker. They tell me what the pip value is for a given pair. It is part of my tradeing platform. Maybe you could clear up some of the fog in your head by checking through your tradeing platform?? Just a thought. But ...
Pip Value > Newbie question
- howwwndog replied Jan 11, 2006
jumping in the forex pool — I agree with merlin. It is great to start tradeing with real money, it keeps you interested. I started with a mini account (1 pip = $1.00) (1 lot = $50) (200:1) and I think I made a mistake. Micro would have been ...
How do you newbies not lose your motivation?
- howwwndog replied Nov 30, 2005
no degree here — I am a "tradesman" (read craftsman or blue collar worker) I hope in 2 to 5 years to drop my hand tools and use a computer to "trade" forex for a living!
Graduates vs non-grads in trading
- howwwndog replied Nov 28, 2005
what is goin on? — I left Cable 2 weeks ago to focus on EUR/USD. in those 2 weeks I haven't had a lot of time to trade. However when I do get time, I can't make any sense of where this pair is goin. I have watched tremendous opportunity come ...
- howwwndog replied Nov 25, 2005
building your plan — Hi I too am in the process of building my system. You should definitely build a system which is tailored to your needs. As part of your plan , you may want also to keep in mind time zones (opening and closeing of certain ...
Trading Systems Help
- Trading Plans.Started Nov 24, 2005|Trading Discussion|1 reply
I'm a new forex "trader" (I use that word loosely) I need to develop a trading plan, a set of ...
- howwwndog replied Nov 19, 2005
well i give up on tradeing cable for now. I'm going over to Euro. I find that most of the news available is all directed towards USD or EUR so that's where I am going to focus. nice to hear from all of you and see you on another thread
- howwwndog replied Nov 15, 2005
So where is this thing going , any ideas. Some websites figure it will go up to 1.7600 before christmas and crash after. Some sites figure it will just tank to 1.7200 . What do you guys figure?
- howwwndog replied Nov 14, 2005
GOOD JOB ON THE HEAD AND SHOULDERS. I rode the downtrend trend for 90 pips. credit to you guys.
- howwwndog replied Nov 8, 2005
regarding reversal pin bar. Would you show me the chart so I could seethis ? Or is it that long bar on the above chart?
- howwwndog replied Nov 8, 2005
I noticed on the calender there is a bunch of releases tommorrow from the US. Is there any way of knowing what is going to be said. I undertand there will be a discussion about the huge US debt. What would that do to the dollar , and how would it ...
- howwwndog replied Nov 6, 2005
ok ,So you guys don't have any real idea why. Its good that I wasn't the only one suprised. WTB earlier said he couldn't clearly see where the trend was going , so he pulled out. That was excellent timeing.
- howwwndog replied Nov 4, 2005
Can anyone comment on this massive drop? 250 pips .. 5 hours.. despite all the chart analysis, what was the factor which drove this sucker to the floor?. By the way this is more or less a 2 year low for the GBP/USD.
- howwwndog replied Nov 4, 2005
Thanks Fiji. I will check out those threads. I received a PM from somebody yesterday who recommended and awesome website. You guys are all greatly supportive, I appreciate it, and hope to continue following many threads at forex factory!
New Trader , looking for info
- howwwndog replied Nov 4, 2005
further to the above , dont PM me with something posted in the thread
New Trader , looking for info