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- 122 Results (3 Threads, 119 Replies)
- Fx97 replied Apr 14, 2008
Thanks Royce... It is appreciated...
Calculating Function values for higher TFs, Programming help
- Fx97 replied Mar 31, 2008
magnumfreak, Thanks a lot. Do you have any feedback for post#3? Regards,
Calculating Function values for higher TFs, Programming help
- Fx97 replied Mar 31, 2008
Royce, Thanks alot for your clarification, I got it. However, if you are writing your own function, can you still get function value for upper TFs? If yes, can you kindly share any example if you can? Regards,
Calculating Function values for higher TFs, Programming help
- Calculating Function values for higher TFs, Programming helpStarted Mar 31, 2008|Platform Tech|6 replies
Hi All, I have a question regarding EA programming. I was wondering if we can calculate higher ...
- Fx97 replied Mar 18, 2008
you can just delete the line #include <gSpeak.mqh>
Modifications to the Laguerre Indicator !!!
- Modifications to the Laguerre Indicator !!!Started Mar 17, 2008|Platform Tech|2 replies
Hi Everyone, I have been trying to modify "Laguerre1Alert-Email-MA.mq4" indicator that was ...
- Fx97 replied Feb 14, 2008
[quote=imransait;1851100]Hi I dont usually post any info of the pooled a/c here as it amounts to advertising, just some snapshots of the a/c, we have 20 pooled a/c's with max of 500 USD. We started off with 10k from 1st of Jan and by end of jan a/c ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- Fx97 replied Jan 29, 2008
Chandra, Question for you, suprising I guess
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts).. Anyway, when I got e-mail it says time , chart time frime also today's OHLC. Does it mean Open, High, Low, and Close of the day. If this is right, when the day start, is it 0:00 in my local time , ...
- Fx97 replied Jan 29, 2008
Mladen, Thanks. This is what I exactly looking for.. It is apreciated.. Regards,
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 29, 2008
Chandra, Thanks for feedback... Well, it seems like I have no other choices but ignore some consecutive ones at this point
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts).. Regards,
- Fx97 replied Jan 28, 2008
Dear Chandra, I do not know what happened, have no logical explanation but I got it working. it just sent out e-mail about couple of minutes ago when Lag 2 crossed up 0.15 value in 5 min chart. As you said before it, e-mail, tells all details about ...
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 28, 2008
Chandra, Do you know where I can find document that explains the logic behind Laguerre method? I did see word document that explain it in somewhere in forexfactory however not able to find it now. Regards,
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 28, 2008
Chandra, Same issue with all time frames... Any other idea? Regards,
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 28, 2008
Chandra, Thats fair enough. You wanna have Lag1 to be greater than 0.35 ( this is just number it can be set to another one) and going down definitely ( for sell signal). Anyway, one question for you regarding "LISPA1A-new " I am able to create ...
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 27, 2008
Chandra, Thanks for explanation and for the quick feedback. It sounds like what I am saying in my previous e-mail does not seem like good stargety to you. Did you visually check charts? If you think you would not modify your indicator then I think I ...
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 27, 2008
Chandra, Thanks a lot... I did get LISPA1A-new, and checked it out.. Thanks for your modifications. First of all, let me make sure if I understand how it works. It has two gamma values, say 0.6 (Lag1) and 0.8 (Lag2) ( of course these values can be ...
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 26, 2008
Hi everyone, Today I bought desktop and e-mailing works just fine. I think above conclusion was valid...
Setting up e-mail alerts
- Fx97 replied Jan 26, 2008
Dear Chandra, 1) This is what I wanna do: I am looking for indicator that is capable of sending e-mail when: Laguerre (0.8, MA2) is at certain value (say for sell it crossed down 0.85 and for buy crossed up 0.15 at 5 min chart)I would like to be ...
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)
- Fx97 replied Jan 25, 2008
Achnaide, I would like to get PDA and service for forex trading and was wondering if you can make any recommendations for PDA service provider and broker that provide mobile trading for MT4I also look forward to getting feedback from everyone.. ...
Chandra's Indicators (with Alerts)