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- 11 Results
- tek replied Jan 12, 2006
here is the info that i got from fx solutions regarding this: In order to trade FX or have a Managed FX account you must open a self directed IRA account. Currently FX Solutions uses 3 companies, the links to their websites are attached. We do not ...
IRA in a Margin Account
- tek replied Jan 10, 2006
Hey Mr. Whipple I'll start off by saying that I haven't actually done this, but I have looked into it. If you have an IRA you can roll it over to a custodial firm as was mentioned above. I looked into doing it with FXCM. And if you are interested ...
IRA in a Margin Account
- tek replied Sep 16, 2005
i definately know more about baseball than i do trading, unfortunately. anyway it isn't heartbraking that billy beane turned down the red sox, because the sox have lots of the money and oakland has none. that's what makes beane so amazing is that he ...
- tek replied Aug 11, 2005
Congratulations diallist!! I'm very happy for you.
Fully recovered!! Newbies take note!!
- tek replied Aug 3, 2005
you're not the only one jim — yes jim i too have noticed and it's wonderful. this forum has become a tremendous resource thanks to the generosity of so many. i've also noticed that since the negativity and fighting has stopped the generosity ...
Ok I don't get it please help
- tek replied Aug 2, 2005
thanks alot MB for all the great information, i greatly appreciate it now i have lots of studying to do
Ok I don't get it please helptek
- tek replied Jun 22, 2005
it's not up to me and i don't know very much but i think having a website is a great idea because you can update it as you wish and then we would be able to access the information without you having to update an e book or constantly send out emails. ...
james16 Chart Thread
- tek replied Jun 22, 2005
Fantastic Jim! I'm glad you decided to do it. Now I just need to be patient and wait for you to actually create it. I will be anxiously awaiting the course! tek
james16 Chart Thread
- tek replied Jun 20, 2005
bring on the charts Jim! people will probably get mad at you because they can't take responsibility for their own actions like subscribing to signal services, but who cares i'm learning a ton and i hope you keep helping us all out. also i look ...
james16 Chart Thread
- Posts by Trader Search: 'tek'