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- Profitsee commented Dec 16, 2014
Ken A, you got me
What's Behind AUD Collapse; What's Next? - Goldman SachsI guess I should say , who is buying AUD
- Profitsee commented Dec 16, 2014
does anyone know who is on the buy side of these trades ?
What's Behind AUD Collapse; What's Next? - Goldman Sachs
- Profitsee commented Dec 16, 2014
Well, doesn't the RBA want a lower AUD ? And, actually, they need the price to go lower to offset the lower export (commodity) prices in USD
What's Behind AUD Collapse; What's Next? - Goldman Sachs
- Profitsee commented Dec 16, 2014
PA is King, you said it ! AUD/USD seems to be the black hole where all things of value fall. Once Oil started in its selling, I started shorting and buying OTM calls. Rocky, but profitable. Deflation + USD fear buying + Stops being triggered + ...
AUDUSD is through 0.8200 for the first time in over four years, stops triggered
- Profitsee replied Mar 27, 2011
arb calculation and implications — Correct formula is A/B * B/C = A/C Given A =1 B = 2 C = 4 1/2 * 2/4 = 1/4 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4 (True) Your formula is A/B * B/C = C/B 1/2 * 2/4 = 4/2 1/2 * 1/2 = 2/1 (False) So substituting the variables for 3 ...
Triangular Arbitrage
- Profitsee replied Jan 7, 2011
HAVE to MAKE the time — Jag, None taken. I enjoy the spirited discussions here, and I thank you and the people here on FF for including me in their discussions. From my perspective, "the work has already been done", it seems, by the profitable ...
Forex Trading for a living... anyone?
- Profitsee replied Jan 7, 2011
here on FF that are brilliant traders — I totally agree, and have no expectations, nor will I ever, of ANYTHING handed to me on a plate. All I say is, "if you use it, then prove it". I am addicted to FF, but have don't have a lot of time these ...
Forex Trading for a living... anyone?
- Profitsee replied Jan 5, 2011
newcomer philosophy — Quick money is always available in forex, quick profits, and quick losses. One of those phrases that applies to Forex is: "Failure to Plan is Planning for Failure". Food on the table? You shouldn't even be thinking of ...
Forex Trading for a living... anyone?
- Profitsee replied Jan 5, 2011
What system are you using? — Without details, (system you're using), there's no way to believe you. I see many people on the boards making these claims. If you truely are living as a trader, then it just seems you are in the 1-5% there. What's ...
Forex Trading for a living... anyone?
- Profitsee replied Jan 5, 2011
What systems are they using? — I'm glad your buddies have "cracked it" and are "profitable". But, without the details, its hard to believe it. Sorry.
Forex Trading for a living... anyone?
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
sorry I hit a nerve with you. — Forgive me if I embarassed you in comparing myself to you. One trade I am always soon to close are those who misrepresent themselves and others. Care then to enlighten us as to the number of posts in which you ...
Predicting direction of economic releases
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
options on hedgestreet.com — Acutally, this is done already on the binary options on hedgestreet.com. Those products are consesus tools which shows the probability environment of a currency being above/below a certain price. As long as your ...
Predicting direction of economic releases
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
naive thinking — Unfortunately, its naive thinking to believe that this type of regulation is of any value. I'm not being cyncially either. If your at a stop light at 4 in the morning in the middle of nowhere with no one looking, then human ...
Predicting direction of economic releases
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
Please clarify this observation — [/list]Please clarify this observation. So, you hold onto a 50-100 pip stop loss, but then you say . "manually get out of your trade as close to the point you entered so your loss is minimal". Are you saying ...
Predicting direction of economic releases
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
just curious - Why specifically Oanda? — I disagree. The pip is more influenced by the high vol., and thereby the risk. Everybody is on the sidelines for a couple of minutes so the spread temporarily widens.
Predicting direction of economic releases
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
inversion of the yield curve — Ohy, yeah, I do the same thing, too. Bonds are the smart money. From just gen. observation I always see that movement in LT bonds, both US and abroad, precede curr. moves by a week.
Predicting direction of economic releases
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
stop-loss in pips — OH, yeah, that's pretty funny. I made a trade once in the correct direction of the GBP/USD, but I set a real tight stop-loss. My stop was hit in 1 hour, and then it reversed, and then for the next 10 days the GBP soared in ...
Predicting direction of economic releases
- Profitsee replied Sep 17, 2006
trading after the news release — I've only experienced online connectivity issues with high vol. environments, and its been infrequent at best. I think that this would be expected in retail environments. Although trading demo is always a sure ...
Predicting direction of economic releases
- AUD/USD Long Set-Up - any thoughts?Started Sep 15, 2006|Trading Discussion|0 replies
I was wondering what the set up here. (see attachment)
- Profitsee replied Apr 12, 2006
funny how its been following the top line of the triangle down to 1.7500 to this moment...