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- rasdi14 commented Nov 12, 2015
What's the gist of her speech? Anything of interest or just a nervous reaction to the whole hoohaaa?
Yellen: Welcoming Remarks
- rasdi14 commented Jan 20, 2015
One would ask for what you owed him, the other would forget that he owed you...
Bank Losses Mounting From Swiss Currency Surprise
- rasdi14 commented Dec 4, 2014
agree with phoakni. on the intraday basis, i would be selling euro around 1.248-50
ECB Says Much about Doing Nothing
- rasdi14 commented Sep 16, 2014
If NO, I'm a dead meat
Scotland Referendum: Timetable for forex traders
- rasdi14 commented Sep 16, 2014
I'm betting for a YES vote...after which I could be a junior soros..yeay
Scotland Referendum: Timetable for forex traders
- rasdi14 commented Apr 1, 2013
what do you expect...power corrupts
Cyprus President's Family Transferred Tens Of Millions To London Days Before Deposit Haircuts
- rasdi14 commented Mar 28, 2013
yea...everything depends on the market
US Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report
- rasdi14 commented Mar 26, 2013
agreed...hope to catch one just in time
Ichimoku Shows EURUSD Fall May Mimic Earlier GBPUSD Drop
- rasdi14 commented Mar 26, 2013
it means if you had 100k eur in saving, after the exercise your money will shrink to approximately 60k. The exchange rate with respect to usd is another issue, however I would expect it to rise to a higher value than current, though may not be ...
Cyprus Finance Min: Hit to Large Deposits Could be Around 40%
- rasdi14 commented Mar 26, 2013
it further adds strain to eur
Durables Orders Probably Rose in Sign of Sustained U.S. Demand
- rasdi14 commented Mar 26, 2013
China is not staying idly by, the only thing which makes them restrain is because of lots and lots of renminbies already dump in the USA
North Korea says ready for combat as sanctions tighten
- rasdi14 commented Mar 26, 2013
jpy is going to fall, followed by usd
North Korea says ready for combat as sanctions tighten
- rasdi14 commented Mar 21, 2013
how about alpari uk, mate? they are good
Cyprus ATMs Low On Cash, Credit Card Payments Refused; Medvedev Compares Europe To USSR
- rasdi14 commented Oct 30, 2012
the economic prospect for eurozone is now improving, usa instead has been battered by sandy resulting in billions of economic losses...so in the current situation, eu is a buy until such time when ben announces something
An Optimistic Case for the Euro
- rasdi14 commented Oct 1, 2012
and sentiment is based on rumours
Troika Rejects Some EUR2 Bln in Greek Austerity Measures, Source Tells DJ-WSJ
- rasdi14 commented Oct 1, 2012
the big boys always fark up the news, sentiment is their money maker
Troika Rejects Some EUR2 Bln in Greek Austerity Measures, Source Tells DJ-WSJ