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- Crosslock replied Jul 6, 2017
Hear that? .......crickets. That' s the sound when trading spot FX in the USA. You'll need a big account to get "ECN" accesss, otherwise you'll get padded spreads. You'b be better off trading currency futures, with low rates, where you're getting ...
Best USA Brokers
- Crosslock replied Oct 23, 2012
Why Pay for the same rehash — There's loads of videos on the money show site, not much has changed. Power Point trading presentations are a bit passe' Carol may be up for a date though.
Cesarnc's market talk, gossips, rumours & fun
- Crosslock replied Jul 29, 2012
Trade Remnants non base currency — IB is better spreads and full round lot trading since commissions costs are not scaled on sub 100k lots. Whereas MBT is scaled costs, but wider spreads, however MBT does square positions on non base currency ...
Interactive Brokers
- Crosslock replied Jul 29, 2012
1 BIG account — @eu trader Why would anyone have all their eggs in one basket, everything with one broker...You're not managing Broker Risk. The reality is MF Global, PFG Best. Some traders have more money than common sense. Next thing Is ...
My broker increases spread to 4.5pips on EU when trading 25mil. unit
- Crosslock replied Jun 30, 2012
6E_ daily — Median REversion image
Swing trading with Andrew's pitchforks and volume analysis journal
- Crosslock replied Jun 25, 2012
STP Broker = Still Taking Profit Broker — STP...you're WRONG. LeveL 2? from whom?, Thats MBTs L2 which SPREAD is WIDER than the Banks that provide THE tighter Spread and Liquidity... Oh they STP right thru and pocket the difference between ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- Crosslock replied Jun 25, 2012
Lets celebrate losses! — MBT paid out ONE MILLION DOLLARS with Pay For Limits, Lets celebrate by not doing that again........ at least not as quickly. We'll give you .50 on markets and take almost 3x as much $1.45 from your limits, oh oh AND ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- Crosslock replied May 15, 2012
I pay 2.95US a side per 100K (price scaled) with MBT for a tighter spread, I get paid 1.95 for liquidity on limits I pay 2.50US a side per 100k Blocks (no scaling) with IB, no credit for liquidity. I Care nothing about the commission because they ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- Crosslock replied May 12, 2012
True ECN or Almost? — I was checking the MBT ECN spread. out on GBPJPY = 3.9 pips down to 3.2 with 2M in size. VS Interactive Brokers FX ECN spread on GBPJPY = 1.5 down to .5 with 2M in size. So Can MBT give me a better spread?..., Even on the ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- Crosslock replied May 12, 2012
CHF 60M Shallow Wedge — Working on breaking off of a higher Market Structure Low, but stuck in a Crosslock.
Swing trading with Andrew's pitchforks and volume analysis journal
- Crosslock replied May 11, 2012
CAD_4H: 5 Wave Range Mirror — 5 up, 5 down
Swing trading with Andrew's pitchforks and volume analysis journal
- Posts by Trader Search: 'Crosslock'