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- 67 Results (1 Threads, 66 Replies)
- mmont replied Dec 16, 2010
Lot of complaints about GFT. I agree with those about the spread, seems like it should be tighter. But the comments about poor customer service are not shared at all. System locking up, are you sure it's not the cpu or the internet connection. ...
GFT Forex Discussion
- mmont replied Nov 8, 2010
bstay2 Member Would you know what kind of accounts they have, in terms of Min trade size or Min funds required to be deposited? Thanks, mmont
Safe Broker...
- mmont replied Aug 27, 2010
Are unemployed people not allowed to open an account even if they are capable of funding it? What might be the minimum income to register with Tradestation? I believe they must make an effort to verify that you are not using your last resources to ...
Broker Recommendation PLEASE!
- mmont replied Feb 28, 2010
You can trade any futures contract for < $4.00 per RT. Even if you limit your FX trading to the major 2~3 it's about $10.00. Are you saying you trade for < $4.00?
Could 10:1 be the new leverage in US Forex?
- mmont replied Feb 27, 2010
The futures lobby could be driving this as well. It's much cheaper to trade futures then FX, except for the margin requirements. If the 10:1 goes into effect it should drive a number of FX traders to Futures.
Could 10:1 be the new leverage in US Forex?
- mmont replied Feb 15, 2010
So the purpose of this rule change is what? To save us from ourselves, to reduce catastophic losses, WHAT? If anything it leaves you open to more loses, because your broker will close out your position if you don't, once it hits margin limits. So ...
Could 10:1 be the new leverage in US Forex?
- mmont replied Feb 4, 2010
for what ever it's worth — Received this From my broker the other day. Followed up on their advice. Perhaps you all should? View this email as a web page. image Dear Valued Trader, The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) ...
Could 10:1 be the new leverage in US Forex?
- mmont replied Feb 2, 2010
Well said, based on your ramblings I would not have thought you had such a grasp of your personality. I went thru the trouble to explain my understanding of hedging and all you perceive is an insult. What a putz.
What's the point of hedging?
- mmont replied Jan 31, 2010
I believe " hedging " is when a dealer in a physical commodity locks in his profit by entering the paper market ( FX ) ie: a US manufacturer has an order to deliver to GB in 6 months and is to be payed in pounds, he would buy cable. Therefore he ...
What's the point of hedging?
- mmont replied Jan 24, 2010
Admittedly I'm not a big trader, but I have never had any bad experiences with GFT as I have had with TradeStation whose dealing desk is run by a bunch of fascists.
GFT Forex Discussion
- mmont replied Jan 3, 2010
$25 inactivity fee for mini accts. Had significant problems with the data a couple of yrs ago but only very occasionally now. One thing to keep in mind with GFT data is that their close is 7:00pm EST not 5:00pm EST as are most other shops. Also ...
GFT Forex Discussion
- mmont replied Jul 15, 2009
It's been a while since i traded futures, but I had good experience with Lind-Waldock and RJOB. Check how many free real time quotes you get, unless you're going to pay the exchange fees.
Best Commodities Broker?
- mmont replied Apr 15, 2009
Have you tried the TS forum? url
Anyone coding TradeStation EasyLanguage?
- mmont replied Mar 26, 2009
TRADESTATION....1 1/2 stars dealing desk is a bunch of wise-ass scumbags. you'll also get no help from their customer service. they will also try to short you on the rollover rates. overall, an unpleasent experience.
Broker Recommendation PLEASE!
- mmont replied Sep 30, 2008
2.03 = 2 us dollars and 3 us cents
Which broker offers highest swap rates?
- mmont replied Sep 10, 2008
They hate any type of scalping (closing position under 2 days). If you are going to be long term trader manually, then maybe you will have no problems. Remember they offer no swaps, but they still make on your positions this way. Really, sounds like ...
Crown Forex -any Opinion
- mmont replied Aug 12, 2008
swap free broker leads to the holy grail. obviously you can offset a position that receives swap points with one that charges. juggle the profits/losses between accounts and sit back and collect. so if there really is one out there w/o restrictions ...
roll over free brokers (does NOT pay interest)
- mmont replied Aug 6, 2008
There's no question that GFT's method of rolling trades is BANK friendly and not TRADER friendly in terms of being able to read it, but it's accurate. You have to watch your Unrealized P/L , CASH and Floating P/L to see instantly where you are on a ...
GFT Forex Discussion
- mmont replied Aug 2, 2008
i used a correct stop loss ($18) each time, then when i was stopped out quickly then i immediately bought again ,then stopped out, again and again This only costs you the spread , again and again. If you get stopped out, either forget about the ...
Minus 57% Help please
- mmont replied Aug 1, 2008
Haven't traded futures for a few years so who knows what travesties have transpired. But,I can tell you there never used to be an interest cost or fee for holding overnight positions.
Forex vs Futures