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- 60 Results (1 Threads, 59 Replies)
- sknk replied Oct 6, 2006
lol calm down everyone! ever heard of buy the rumour sell the news? thats exactly what it was. oh, that an all the other reasons given
NFP 10/6: i managed to clock in 15 pips after a mad dash to get out so, meh,... on to the next one
- sknk replied Oct 5, 2006
now theres an idea playboy ought to run with
- sknk replied Oct 4, 2006
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD><TABLE border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE class=econo-summaryboxtable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=270 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=econo-summaryboxtitle ...
NFP 10/6
- sknk replied Sep 30, 2006
some people just enjoy the hunt better than the kill. they wind up hunting for so long that they forget how to execute the kill when a great functional weapon has been placed in their hands (if they know how to use it). and sometimes, some people ...
Why are we afraid of simplicity?
- sknk replied Sep 30, 2006
one of the things that US citizens have to be careful about is that apparently under US law theyre "obliged" to declare any and all bank accounts, domestic and overseas. and thats how they get you
I don't want to pay taxthey'll nab you for tax evasion if they can, if ...
- sknk replied Sep 29, 2006
by far the easiest solution to not paying taxes is to move out of the country youre a citizen of and become a non-resident. you do have to move to a tax free country or somewhere where its very low. i've been a non-resident expat all my life, living ...
I don't want to pay tax
- sknk replied Sep 26, 2006
i completely agree with Loki. what works for each individual differs from person to person, which is what makes this business such an expressive one below the surface. the reasons that Loki got out of equities are the same reasons i love equities, ...
unsuccessful stock trader can succeed in forex?
- sknk replied Sep 26, 2006
hmmm, interesting question. all i can say is its possible, but anything is possible on the markets. personally i went the other way, messed up my fx, learned some hard lessons about myself, then went to stocks, did pretty well, now i'm back in fx ...
unsuccessful stock trader can succeed in forex?
- sknk replied Sep 16, 2006
metatrader charts go back to 15th may 2005 on the cable 30 mins. what happens is that it pulls down the data from the servers as you scroll back. couldnt get further than that date on the 30 mins tho. lol i better get a thank you for the ages of ...
- sknk replied Sep 16, 2006
good to see youre taking the time to properly analyse your own system. too many jump in straight away, piggybacking on someone elses system, then cussing them out when they cant achieve the same results. i think once youve fine tuned it you'll find ...
i think therefore I trade
- sknk replied Aug 20, 2006
lol agreed! if you dont know what youre doing chances are you wont have a PC to sit infront of either, and the dog will be the next thing up for sale on ebay
News trading = Promised land?:
- sknk replied Aug 20, 2006
ughh yet another new trading thread, so i'll keep it short and simple: the trick to trading the news is not JUST about the straddle or slippage or lighting fast reflexes and a superduper fast news service. infact its about none of that. the trick is ...
News trading = Promised land?
- sknk replied Aug 19, 2006
agreed with all the advice rendered to dan so far. so let me just add this: after taking a break and digging deep inside yourself, perhaps it might be best to look at other markets for the time being. forex truely is the final frontier for any ...
Please tell me your method!
- sknk replied Aug 18, 2006
lol @ how this cpi thread has turned into moneys lunch thread then into a charity thread. 400 bucks aint that exxtravagant, and at times is actually worth it. besides, 400 bucks pays the owner, who pays the staff and the suppliers, who pay their ...
Feelings about CPI
- sknk replied Aug 15, 2006
lmfao @ the hocuspocus comment. dude, what are we all attempting to do here more or less? predict the future price movement. if you delete "price movement",... predict the future. even if youre a news trader, you predict your actions based on what ...
Any other veridical traders?
- sknk replied Aug 14, 2006
damn, and i thought planetary harmonics was way out there. tell us a little more about how you do what you do, i'm curious cos i have bloody vivid dreams :|
Any other veridical traders?
- sknk replied Aug 12, 2006
UK Terrorhopefully that woulda pissed em off enough to take out fxcm building in their next plot
- sknk replied Aug 11, 2006
kenny rogers and the holy grail — everything you ever needed to know as a trader. lol who woulda thought an old tape in my dads car 20 years ago would be such an important part of my life today
The HOLY GRAIL: On a warm summers evenin on a train bound for ...