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- vilas commented May 23, 2014
No, Pls, Spare the Cat - they are very loving animals - almost better than Humans - and you will soon begin miss her : I couldn't trade for months when I lost my Cat-Prince to FIP....... Eat Yellen and Draghi instead !
- vilas commented May 20, 2014
You are 100% right ! Waste of time to pay attention ...
- vilas commented Apr 20, 2014
I had written long time ago why Greenspan and number of GS directors should be stipped and flogged in Public for corrupting the economies of the whole world by singing nice tunes in front of the US Senators. Had this been done - stop could have been ...
- vilas commented Apr 15, 2014
James Angel is also among the Pan-handlers who benefit from the "ethics" of the Exchanges. Ask that Professor of dubious ethics, what was the original intention behind the creation of, exchanges : a fair-play ground for Investors. Then they ...
- vilas commented Apr 7, 2014
CNN has kept its Story of HFT can not front-run Clients, UP LONER than any other I have seen for a long time. Now Reuters joins the Band-wagon to say HFT is innocuous. Seems like the HFT guys have put a finger in their pockets. Can any the Jokers ...
- vilas commented Mar 12, 2014
Very knowledgeable but toothless banter. Why don't the US-citizens among us write to their Senators, SEC Board, FED etc and get HFT stopped ! Do you think crying on FF pages will do something to redress this ? Amen !
- vilas commented Mar 10, 2014
Bullshit piece. People who trade know.
- vilas commented Dec 12, 2013
Just means he admits that 99.99% Economists are bunch of fools. The only way to improve Euro and World economy is to give all the Top Bankers one chance to resign and hang those who do not. Econnomy will get back on track when IMF bosses stop ...
- vilas commented Apr 10, 2013
I have great respect for Soros's economic judgements but feel that he is finally going soft in top story. Who will buy Eurobonds without Grmany being a member country ? Supporting bankrupts is never a sound policy. He is trying to overdo-Keynes or ...
- vilas commented Jan 8, 2013
Very easy solution : Strip Hank, get him on a wash-board and announce a competition among school kids - he who delivers max baseball bat hits, gets a free iPad. The Bender on Board should only be allowed to get up when he has squealed, "Save My ...
- vilas commented Jan 7, 2013
If only the idiots who matter had told those who matter that B a liar was just that and there were really no WMD and thus stopped The Imbecile of the Century from avenging his father who was the Senior imbecile, Iraq war that depleted the ...
- vilas commented Nov 27, 2012
What do Bankers do ? They most often put together deals which even the smart fellows can't decipher in time and go to "hell" while the Bankers go laughing all the way to their Banks to deposit their bonuses ! What is required is for all authorities ...
- vilas commented Oct 22, 2012
Swines they are and swines they will remain till their azz is not put on a block and whacked right in a public square !
- vilas commented Oct 5, 2012
One has to be a TOTAL idiot not to have realized this long long ago. Could only be a case of :"I scratch your Back-side. You scratch Mine."
- vilas commented Sep 10, 2012
"Civilization will bleed itself to death",is a quote worth remembering. Soros is a good man - soft hearted - but now he is losing touch with reality because of that bleeding heart. The way forward lies in finding why things went wrong not in ...
- vilas commented Aug 15, 2012
Beware of anything coming from Forex.com.
- vilas commented Aug 15, 2012
It is not dying. It is being strangled by the GREEDY among Wall Street Insiders.
- vilas commented Jun 6, 2012
Merkel's stand is perfectly justified: only bankrupts talk of "sharing", the strong ones talk of "caring" and the first step is "take enough care that you do not go bankrupt". If you want to over-pay and over-spend in the hope of getting reelected ...
- vilas commented Jun 3, 2012
For once Soros is wrong : the bankrupts have to fail for the healthy ones to survive. May be it will become Euro Northern and Euro Southern but to keep up providing money to Govts that can not control their budgets is like throwing good money after ...
- vilas commented May 25, 2012
What Monti seems to say is Germany needs united Europe so let us BLACKMAIL them ! And even if the German Opposition is opposed to Merkel's policy of not allowing total irresponsibility, would they shoot their own foot by voting against her ? Too ...