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- Elisabeth commented Nov 10, 2016
I would imagine with the troubles with Greece's bail out Schaeuble et al have already plans drawn up for such an event.
- Elisabeth commented Sep 26, 2016
The UK has much more bargaining power because it is the biggest net importer of EU goods ( I suppose that means mainly German goods) , therefore one can't compare it to the deals Norway and Switzerland have with the EU. One would assume that no one ...
- Elisabeth commented Sep 20, 2016
And he will certainly try to help the migrants finding loopholes into Europe
- Elisabeth commented Aug 31, 2016
Would these warrants be worth the paper they are printed on? What happened to the liquidity given by the ECB to keep the dying banks alive? Is the ECB supposed to buy these?
- Elisabeth commented Jun 24, 2016
They do not whant CHF to appriciate too much.
- Elisabeth commented Jun 10, 2016
The principle of solidarity demands that ( I think currently) four more prosperous members (D,I,F,GB) pay more for the benefit of the other members (quite a lot nbeedy ones)
- Elisabeth commented Jun 10, 2016
I hope you do not leave! We belong together, even so despite of the Splendid Isolation in the past. I hope this will lead to a paring down of the EU to what it is good at: securing Free trade and same standards. That should by and large be enough of ...
- Elisabeth commented Jun 10, 2016
Why? The periphery could collaps but the core will remain.
- Elisabeth commented Jun 10, 2016
Whatever the British decide in 2 weeks, the European Economic Union has done well, before the UK joined at a rather late date compared to the other core member states. If the UK really leaves, it will most likely have a status similar to Norway or ...
- Elisabeth commented Jun 10, 2016
I am sure that the outcome Soros paints would suit him very well. Has he sold short £ or Euro? I am sure he would have told us if he had a clearer picture about that. Whatever the British decide in 2 weeks, the European Economic Union has done well, ...
- Elisabeth commented Apr 18, 2016
Will they implement what has been agreed? - that is the question.
- Elisabeth commented Nov 17, 2015
That is really bullshit,barkie
- Elisabeth commented Oct 1, 2015
It is easy for Joschka Fischer, the author. He seems to live in the US now , his company is domiciled there. His Party (the Greens) never catered for the very people who will suffer most the consequences of this mass immigration to Germany - the ...
- Elisabeth commented Sep 13, 2015
The Greeks have no currency of their own and I doubt whether Greece has that much influence on the Euro, after all it is an economic dwarf.
- Elisabeth commented Sep 13, 2015
I have a feeling its breaking apart rather than more integration. Germany's current problems will change perception of EU in Germany: back to plain free trade area whichworked.
- Elisabeth commented Sep 1, 2015
Mercs do not fly yet but can do almost anything else.
- Elisabeth commented Aug 25, 2015
Intentions may chabge
- Elisabeth commented Aug 24, 2015
Greece is done. If they do not play ball, they have to grexit.
- Elisabeth commented Aug 24, 2015
Isn't everyone 'doing Abe' ?
- Elisabeth commented Aug 18, 2015
I suspect whoever decided to have these Mega announcements uses them to be able to cover up unpopular news.