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- el_duende commented Jun 11, 2020
Trump knew exactly where the stock market was going after his ultra bullish speech earlier this week. Get all the little guys long and then bang big boys all dump.
- el_duende commented Jun 10, 2020
Stocks bleeding red. I thought money supply going up, confirmed 120 billion a month purchases of securities and cut its benchmark short-term rate to near zero would spur stocks on. Then again everyone has been ultra bullish last few weeks so perfect ...
- el_duende commented Jun 10, 2020
To support the flow of credit to households and businesses, over coming months the Federal Reserve will increase its holdings of Treasury securities and agency residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities at least at the current pace to ...
- el_duende commented Jun 10, 2020
Basically they are going to pump even more money into the system and buy more securities etc DOW UP / $ Down
- el_duende commented Jun 8, 2020
Donald Trump is the biggest puppet of the elites
- el_duende commented Jun 8, 2020
So that must mean buy more equities FTSE at 6500 level and DOW 27400
- el_duende commented Jun 8, 2020
Maybe a bit naive and quick to announce this with chances of a 2nd wave increasing.
- el_duende commented Jun 8, 2020
Markets can remain irrational a lot longer than you and I can remain solvent is a good quote to live by )
- el_duende commented Jun 8, 2020
What odds we get a 2nd wave due to all the protests and another crash thus enabling more stimulous meausres to be voted through. We already have Dr Fauci sayign 2nd wave is becoming more likely and Trump already saying they will be able to print ...
- el_duende commented Jun 8, 2020
Crazy when you think the DOW is currently at the same level as it was during start of Dec 19. I said the same thing many months ago Covid was the ideal event to trigger the greatest transfer of wealth in history to the elites. Not just in USA but ...
- el_duende commented Jun 5, 2020
Prediction was only 10 million out. Whats a few million between friends
- el_duende commented Jun 5, 2020
I think we will reach new stock market highs to coincide with Donald Trumps re-election. With all the far left acftivists out in force it would not suprise me to see a 2nd wave of the virus. More stimulus will be signed off and pumped into the ...
- el_duende commented Jun 4, 2020
Of course trading is gambling, anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves and doesn't understand the game. Doesnt matter if you trade 1% or 20% of account size you are still risking it on an unknown outcome in a chaotic market with too many ...
- el_duende commented Jun 2, 2020
Twitter is about as neutral and trustworthy as Fox news.
- el_duende commented May 26, 2020
News reports saying China has invaded a part of India with 10,000 troops. Defo rattling the sabre in a show of force.
- el_duende commented May 21, 2020
Demand = Down considerably. Unemployment = Near 20%. People = Skint and loaded with debt. Virus = 2nd wave is likely. Housing market = People will soo be losing their homes on large scale. Obviously buy buy buy As mentioned FED are propping up ...
- el_duende commented May 13, 2020
Essentially Economy completed biffed we need to pump more money into the hands of the wealthy elites
- el_duende commented Apr 21, 2020
He is getting more desperate by the day especially as re-election near. It wouldn't surprise me if they start buying surplus barrels of oil and setting then on fire.
- el_duende commented Apr 21, 2020
Sounds like a bailout to me. Trump re-election due could you imagine his approval ratings if the oil and gas industry collapses.