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- 136 Results (8 Threads, 128 Replies)
- renegade7 replied Jun 28, 2009
Looking forward to seeing a productive learning curve and success in your future. The only thing that concerns me is how you're funding this account, namely through the sale of your material goods. If something does happen with this account, those ...
- renegade7 replied Jun 28, 2009
One has to think of the future as well, and Europe has a lot of social security issues (pension crisis, etc) that it's going to have to deal with over the next ten years. The Euro is also on a very thin thread as well. So don't necessarilly look at ...
- renegade7 replied Jun 27, 2009
One must reflect on the question of what it means to be competent in the forex market. Perhaps it is competence with yourself, instead.
- renegade7 replied Jun 27, 2009
My best advice is the only way to take advantage and exploit something is to know everything you can about it. Never stop learning. Do you even know why the interbank market exists? Stocks? Bonds? Treasury Bills? Do you know how fractional reserve ...
- renegade7 replied Jun 27, 2009
But in all honesty guys, I think an extremely large percentage of the learning curve in Forex is conquering yourself more than anything. It's pretty simple to gain experience via screen time whenever you want. Some people are naturally good at this, ...
- renegade7 replied May 9, 2009
The daily movement of the exchange market is inherently businesses moving money into different currencies, though It would have to be an extremely large supply of bonds to move the currency significantly! Perhaps if you knew the exact time that they ...
- renegade7 replied May 8, 2009
Very interesting. Thanks for posting!!
- renegade7 replied May 8, 2009
Well think about it logically. When government issued bonds are sold to the public, money is removed from demand deposits, loans are called in, money supply decreases. So then either the currency sits in the central bank ,or is spent by the ...
- GM
Does anyone else see this as a disgusting bargain? Obama did say afterall that the collapse of ...
- renegade7 replied Dec 13, 2008
Technically speaking (har har har), it is. Realistically though, there's plenty of other ways to make money. Becoming a seasoned trader takes just as much training (and more importantly time) as any other industry and if you don't truely enjoy it ...
- renegade7 replied Dec 12, 2008
Why would you need parity to create a global currency. Do you really think that world leaders are bent on having round numbers so they can peg? Do you remember anything about the euro formation? go back and look at the exchange rates. Just because 1 ...
- renegade7 replied Dec 8, 2008
If you're posting this, that's enough incentive to challenge it. You have nothing to lose and you can always change brokers.
- renegade7 replied Jul 24, 2008
50 or 100 is a microscopic ammount. Perhaps you mean 500,000 or 1 mill. Personally I wouldn't wait a year for an extra 50, but I'd wait a year for an extra 500k.
- renegade7 replied Jul 17, 2008
I was going to PM you but I figure since there's already a thread marking you as the Adonis of forex videos, I might as well chime in. Yea, honestly...it was top notch. Those little tangents you love to go off on are informational and that's the ...
- renegade7 replied Jul 17, 2008
watching the video right now. You sound like Vin Diesel.
- renegade7 replied Jul 17, 2008
You have yet to answer why a simple google search reveals a very troubling past for you filled with cons and scams. A lot of us are patiently awaiting your response.
- renegade7 replied Jun 27, 2008
I understood you from your first post, don't worry. All I'm sayig is this is a skillset, so don't give up day trading. Even if you're paper trading when it comes down to it, you still want to be refining your skillset. Good luck and I agree on the ...
- renegade7 replied Jun 27, 2008
Research "martingale theory"
- renegade7 replied Jun 27, 2008
Anything in life worth persuing takes time. People born into wealth have a lot of issues that less financially blessed individuals don't have. I would know, as I'm the latter and went to school with the former. If you think getting rich quick is the ...
- renegade7 replied Jun 27, 2008
Exactly. And the point is, with more ability to control that money through smaller lots you have many more opportunities to trade, and thus your risk on each is a grain of sand and any profit you make is double, triple, or maybe even more. Do this ...