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- Jolly Roger commented Oct 3, 2011
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 3, 2011
AW...sorry, last day...will drop in occasionaly...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 3, 2011
I have not seen any economist raising the issue of the EFSF, for what it is intended to, and highlighted the way it will cause defaults. EFSF function is NOT to be a cushion in case of a default, it is NOT the cusion where banks , finance ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 3, 2011
Empty EterniT, You are most probably right, Forex traders do know more about economy than the average Joe. One of the big handicaps average Joe has, is his lack of understanding on how the economic system works, and are thus led into all kinds of ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 2, 2011
Germany will give this boost to the EFSF, but will not boost it further. They will apparently not boost the next bailout fund called European Stability Mechanism (same shit, different wrapping) with more funds from Germany. The EFSF , Germany have ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 2, 2011
It will not matter, take the default now,.... or dream on, ...get another 8 Billion, and live until the end of the year....take your pick. Greece top politicians, EU, ECB and IMF is running around like headless chickens, in complete denial about ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 2, 2011
This thing is turning more and more into group thinking. Group thinking is about as intellectual as twenty points belove the average IQ of the participants. No real message is delivered yet from this demonstration, and it is developing more and more ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 1, 2011
Is China metric? I suppose so but not sure. Are the week days the same as in the rest of the world, ( I assue from earlier posts, ) or is it something else, but the week days are used only in reference to where they are in relationship to the rest ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 1, 2011
Good idea.
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 1, 2011
AW, just remeber when you are comparing the figures, the 27% contraction of 2009 was a contraction of the export not the whole GDP. Internal market and export market as combined will get you the GDP, so if you for example have two equally big ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 1, 2011
AW, Hope you explained what AW is....or did you keep her in a mystery? As for FF and hard drive space....not to worry you are there, and are filling up. Well i understnd only a few words of Finnish, and if your Grandma lived her ehole life, and ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 1, 2011
Hi AW, this article is pretty much exactly what we discussed recently on another article. The drop in the last recession 2008-2009 of Chines export of 26%, was effectively held against, basically beacause China had it's rainy day account ( reserves) ...
- Jolly Roger commented Oct 1, 2011
AW, Don't get me wrong here, I don't hate China. There are many things with her that I admire, culture history and many of the things that are happening today....I just don't like them all...some are appaling, and I am telling them straight out. ...
- Jolly Roger commented Sep 30, 2011
Guest, "Can we get back to the subject"....., you might be wrong and you might be right. ...guest. ...this is very easy. A thread may very well end up on a very underlying subject, that may get thorougly discussed, and that may seemingly for someone ...
- Jolly Roger commented Sep 30, 2011
AW Ah ok I had a misunderstanding on some figures, I had the idea that the inflation was in the 6%+ range, and interest in the 2.5% range, ...ok I got it clearer now, they have raised the interest rate 2/5% to be in the 6% area....ok that is a ...
- Jolly Roger commented Sep 30, 2011
krisware, Ok I see where you are coming from now, yes you can see money as energy, in fact it is stored energy. You put in some energy into laying bricks, and you get money, a representation of that energy. You can release it whole or in small ...
- Jolly Roger commented Sep 30, 2011
AW, Hmmm...well ...hmmm ( Painfull process going on)..... Just by looking at what they have done, so far, and with the awareness of the econonimc situation in the world, I would be much more careful than that...but it is an unknown if they have a ...
- Jolly Roger commented Sep 30, 2011
Would be nice with some numbers and a graph.
- Jolly Roger commented Sep 30, 2011
The debate becomes mote when Greece already have passed the point of no return. Debating Greece on austerity versus default ,have meaning if there exist a possibility to save the situation. Once passed the red line, there is only one option. The ...
- Jolly Roger commented Sep 30, 2011
krisware Na...this can not be direct translated into newtons Physics of non destructable energy. I am trying to make you see, but if you just put your foot down, and say it is zero game, then your not looking, I am trying to make you look so you can ...