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- leerees commented Sep 7, 2013
I suppose this is one way of lowering debt to GDP ratio. Other countries have already shown Poland that once you've buried your head in the sand, you can just keep burrowing for miles.
- leerees commented Jul 20, 2012
There has been various unofficial public polls in Britain regarding EU membership. Unfortunately the majority of Brits are anti EU solely because of immigration, many do not understand the trade benefits. For the working class majority EU migration ...
- leerees commented May 30, 2012
The lower it goes the richer Germany becomes, why do you think they are doing everything they can to devalue this currency, they don't give a damn about anybody elses economy but their own. Base your trades on this assumption and you'll win more ...
- leerees commented Jan 3, 2012
I wouldn't pin the UK's downfall on it's welfare bill. The welfare bill is actually a small percentage in the grand scheme of things. Also, the current UK government is well aware of welfare tourists and are already taking steps to reform the ...
- leerees commented Dec 20, 2011
Retail Retail traders might want it down based on common sense but the big boys who have even bigger boys to answer to have targets to meet. We'll all be shorting the Euro come tommorow.
- leerees commented Dec 16, 2011
As usual the Frogs are jelous of the Brits. Glass houses.
- leerees commented Dec 14, 2011
It depends on the area you live in. There are still a few nice places in the UK where the living standards are high, a lot of them are coastal and rural areas. I live in Cornwall and it is nice here, we have the best weather in the UK and housing is ...
- leerees commented Dec 13, 2011
The biggest issues discussed by the public in Britain are immigration, spending cuts and the Euro (in that order). You cannot go a day in Britain without somebody mentioning these 3 subjects. Cameron has tried to address all 3 issues but the public ...
- leerees commented Dec 13, 2011
Britains veto is not just about banking regulations and if you are trading the pound then you need to realise the pressure Cameron is under from the British public aswell as the majority's views. After 30 years of liberal governments in power ...
- leerees commented Dec 6, 2011
People have been telling them the future for decades, trouble is they never listened, from tech bubble to sub prime to today, they were all warned well in advance. What makes you think they'll listen to this computer? Even retail traders have been ...
- leerees commented Dec 4, 2011
$17.8 Billion? that's one expensive stop loss!
- leerees commented Nov 25, 2011
Do they honestly think they can trick the retail FX market into buying. Come on I know we are a stupid bunch but we are not insane. This baby is dropping like a lead balloon on Jupiter, and it still has a long way to go. Parity is on it's way to us.
- leerees commented Nov 22, 2011
I'd be more interested to see how much of foreign real estate is owned by UK investors. During the 90's Euro boom every man and his dog from the UK was buying up investment property in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. These are just average ...
- leerees commented Nov 3, 2011
I hope some of you guys busted out longs on the bottom of that mega spike. I did so now I don't have to work next week :-)
- leerees commented Nov 1, 2011
How can you be so bullish on a pair that's pegged to the disasterous EUR/USD. Yes I'm long but not that long.
- leerees commented Nov 1, 2011
lol and the DAX futures said....
- leerees commented Oct 27, 2011
Guys it is funny to laugh at the appaling incompetence of the Euro zone leaders but seriously you are living in a dream world if you think the Euro is finished. I'm not pro EU at all, in fact as a UK citizen I hate the EU, the quality of life here ...
- leerees commented Oct 4, 2011
Bakker, the herd never listen and to be honest, would you really want them too, after all you need to sell them your currency ;-).
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