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- tranco commented Jul 5, 2015
Hej michaelpelly I can see you are an expert with the Greek crisis!!! And your analysis is accurate like a GPS How you do that ? Like a vision after chewing leaves? Or you are consulted by the stars ? I know that all Bulgarian Roma get these ...
- tranco commented Feb 3, 2014
Jay Norris or Jack Norris?????
- tranco commented Jan 18, 2014
no that's FORSEX news
- tranco commented Aug 20, 2013
that's fine 3times a week with my GF and one with my wife question: bl.... job counts for sex???
- tranco commented Jun 26, 2013
- tranco commented Jan 30, 2013
Sto Mprahami!!!
- tranco commented Jan 29, 2013
scientist eise megalos Mallakas kai den eine mono oti eise Mallakas eise kai kakopoustas herese me tin taleporia pou pernaei o laos giati to dikosou to antero eine ligdomeno Me tis Mallakies pou grafeis kai ksernas eise pio anthelinas kai apo tous ...
- tranco commented Jan 1, 2013
All of you guys to you belong to the 2% of wealthy Americans ???
- tranco commented Jan 1, 2013
buy when the cannons start!! and sell when trobets begin!! Rothchild
- tranco commented Nov 17, 2012
Rash guy's to buy his service!!!!!
- tranco commented Nov 2, 2012
timetraveler !! I can see that you try to proove sommething!! but it looks pointless unclear
- tranco commented Oct 3, 2012
“Stop looking the news and concentrate on your Charts” Richart Dennis to his turtles For those who know the story
- tranco commented Sep 30, 2012
Before you leave this forum and shut the door dont be a coward!!! ask sorry
- tranco commented Sep 30, 2012
I thing you are confused you jump from one subject to the other From the imaginary death of some SKOPIAN guy to the Greek deficit By the way member of the SKOPIAN government announce that the incident never happen. At least you must ask sorry from ...
- tranco commented Sep 30, 2012
For the rise of the Golden Down and new fascism all over Europe is not only the Fuler that is concerned but the 80% of the Greeks (kristians and jewish) incl my self (I am Jewish) The sure is that you cant see nationalism and fascism only in the ...
- tranco commented Sep 30, 2012
To you f.x???
- tranco commented Sep 30, 2012
Fascists are allover the world and ignore them But states with stolen identities are few and ignored from the rest of the world! if you know what I mean!
- tranco commented Sep 30, 2012
1st you must learn to behave your self in this community 2nd you must learn to defend your arguments if you cant! THEN STOP write B.. Sh… 3rd double check your information’s because you risk to be humiliated !!! And finally Stop chewing the ...
- tranco commented Sep 30, 2012
First I would like to ask where the FYROM student attacked by the fascists?? Because in the newspaper you refer to it mention a city by name “SOLUN” and we don’t get a city with that name in Greece I read all the Greek newspapers today, from the ...
- tranco commented Sep 5, 2012
“..and is not true what Merkel say’s about lazy Greeks is just for her internal naïve consumers ,Greeks work more than Germans and the rest of the Europeans …” Paul Krugman Nobel of economy in an article in N.Y Times I can see in this forum one of ...