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- 23 Results (2 Threads, 21 Replies)
- ultimastrike replied Nov 1, 2004
That's awesome man, thanks for the info.
- ultimastrike replied Oct 26, 2004
TradeStation is the first trading platform that gives you the power to create, test and fully automate your own rule-based trading strategies. TradeStation puts up to 20 years of in-depth market history at your command with the power to instantly ...
- Tradestation Question
For those of you who have programmed automatic systems into tradestation: Does the platform support ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 27, 2004
I've read some interesting guarentees on forex.com. Assuming I'm reading it correctly, they guarentee stops as well, and expressly state there won't be any slippage.
- ultimastrike replied Aug 26, 2004
It's almost scary to the point where you would withdraw all of your money for a few days if you make a hundred thou, just so they won't take it back
- ultimastrike replied Aug 23, 2004
They still guarentee stop losses, just not during the .1% of the time that the market is gapping. That has actually been their policy all along, it just took an event like this for everyone to realize it. I plan to keep looking into them despite ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 23, 2004
I think a lot of people are missing the fact that even partially guarenteeing your stops is a valuable thing. brokers are basically saying that "Hey, if during 99.9% of the time the market skips past your stop, we'll still let you stop there anyway ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 22, 2004
Well, it IS concievable that, in a big jump (say a hundred pips) from point A to point B in the space of a few seconds, not many people get the chance to execute orders in between. When something shoots straight up like that last NFP in a few ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 19, 2004
What makes you think FXCM/REFCO got slaughtered on the 6th? You do realize your profits aren't coming out of their pockets, right?
- ultimastrike replied Aug 18, 2004
Alternative — I've started to look into CMS. I've heard some good things about it. I'll post some reviews after I play with it a bit.
- ultimastrike replied Aug 17, 2004
I talked to the customer service reps at FXCM, they don't have a policy against straddling news. Can't speak for Refco, but as closely affiliated as they are, they are still two seperate companies.
- ultimastrike replied Aug 17, 2004
We had a thread along this idea during the payroll dip that friday. Basically what FXCM said was that they quote aggressively and because they recieve more accurate quotes even during volatile markets, they often show data that other brokers do not. ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 10, 2004
Bonete, How do you suppose forex brokers make their money? Brokers like FXCM profit solely from the spread. Size is important here: If the broker can offset your initial spread using another of its own clients, they earn your entire spread. If ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 10, 2004
Uhh.. — Brokers make money when their clients do. It does not make sense to think that FXCM would want to stop their customers out, because then they lose out on a potential profit. The fact that FXCM recorded prices that other brokers did not ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 5, 2004
Muahaha — Sometimes I buzz the customer service reps at these sites just for fun. It's amazing what you can learn from these people when you don't actually go into their chat with any questions in mind.
- ultimastrike replied Aug 5, 2004
Trailing Stops and Broker Things — I didn't get very deep into forex.com when I was looking at it. All I know is that they guarentee no slippage. As far as spread, I can't find anywhere on their website that says they offer fixed spreads, so ...
- ultimastrike replied Aug 3, 2004
Oops — My mistake, FXCM works by specifying how many units (k) you want to buy. I don't know where I got the idea that you instead specify how much money you want to put into a position.
- ultimastrike replied Aug 2, 2004
Spreads — I misunderstood FXCM about their spreads, by the way. They only offer a 3 pip spread on some currencies on their 100,000 lot accounts. Mini accounts get a 5 pip spread on those same currencies (EUR/USD for instance.)
- ultimastrike replied Aug 2, 2004
Forex.com? — I've been messing around with forex.com. It's different from FXCM in that you indicate lots rather than indicating how much money you want to put down (unless, of course, I'm looking at it wrong. I'm still relatively new.). That's ...
- ultimastrike replied Jul 29, 2004
Wow, that was a lot of useful info. Thanks guys. By the way, do any platforms offer an automatic trailing stop, or does that term simply mean you have to move it yourself?