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- Gnat replied Sep 24, 2010
Hey Sirs — Friday??
- Gnat replied Sep 22, 2010
Hey Mike — Honey I'm home
- Gnat replied Sep 22, 2010
It's been a while... — Hi People of the Supernova! I am back in and I hope to be here on a more regular basis now. I was in fact "not allowed" in here, but not by Forexfactory, so no hate mails to those fine people please. I would love to pick ...
- Gnat replied Mar 6, 2009
ROTFL!! It sounds so damn hot that I choose to start my South America trip in ... Iceland!
- Gnat replied Mar 5, 2009
Wow Cesar! Does summer ever come to an end in Brazil?? ONe just has to love it! Ciao! Gnat - Matt
- Gnat replied Mar 5, 2009
Hi Raz! Nice to see you going full throttle again! I guess you will end up in surplus with this one! Have a good one! Ciao! Matt
- Gnat replied Feb 9, 2009
Hallo Randy! Jeremiah was last online on the 5th, so maybe to lure him here, you could write a PM to him and ask him to look at the questions for him. I understand there are some more within the last few pages! (Just a hint ) Good trading to you! ...
- Gnat replied Feb 9, 2009
Seen them! GREAT job there, Obiwan!! (I love the caveman!!)
- Gnat replied Feb 7, 2009
Hallo Markpips! You find the indy that was used here: #6196 Then you just need the Heiken Ashi bars from the normal Supernova emplate and your chart should look like the one you pointed out! I hope that helps! Ciao! Gnat-Matt
- Gnat replied Feb 7, 2009
ROTFL!! Hi Wolfy! Let's waste some more, shall we? See you! Matt
- Gnat replied Feb 7, 2009
Hallo Brimm! You are right and in hindsight it is even better to watch at your combination in many cases! I am eyeballing charts right now looking at the T3 more closely and you seem to have gotten it better and more stable in many occassions. ...
- Gnat replied Jan 29, 2009
Well, you are right! In this context "Shite" stands rather for "unbelieveable or grand" I actually retold that one in German tonight after the tennis match and the guys fell over laughing! So I owe you one! Ciao! Matt
- Gnat replied Jan 29, 2009
Hallo Field! Nice to have you back here and thanks for all the help! I will try to read up on the last few pages this weekend and join you here! I am sorry, but I am getting delayed again and again these days! Have a good Friday then! Ciao! Matt ...
- Gnat replied Jan 29, 2009
What a convo! I love it! Hugs? Anyone?
- Gnat replied Jan 29, 2009
- Gnat replied Jan 29, 2009
This is a journey - so first stumble a bit, but on't fall. Then you will find your stride. I am actually tempted to give Igrok's method a full-time try. So far I feel you are doing an amazing job. Ciao! Matt
- Gnat replied Jan 14, 2009
Thanks for clearing this up - I had this and two other possible interpretations I was wrestling with
- Gnat replied Jan 14, 2009
Hallo Igrok! I am sorry, but I am thinking about this statement ever since I read it yesterday: Could you elaborate a little bit what you mean? Thanks and greetings! Gnat - Matt
- Gnat replied Jan 13, 2009
Deeear Liza should instantly get the job of Timothy Geithner then!! And fast ... very large picture at 466kb
- Gnat replied Jan 13, 2009
Hallo Devin! I am sorry to learn from your Skype header that you are single again! But if it consorts a bit : Me too, and I am fine with it as far as the female is concerned! You will be back on track in a while - just give it some time, my friend! ...