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- SickOfScam commented Mar 24, 2017
Hmm very Impressive list... At least you guys can be proud with these sponsorships of several bloggers, as the Euro-Guido, Santa Claus...
- SickOfScam commented Mar 24, 2017
Boy, go and sell your "Alpari-Cairo" sh!t somewhere else.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 23, 2017
Please don't ask me from where I know that, but usually damages are "regulated" by the parent bank.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 23, 2017
It is widely known that the Swiss regularly paid "compensation" to foreign firms (probably Swiss also) when they are affected trough manipulations with CHF.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 23, 2017
If we do not count always "hungry" politicians from cantons - still remains 55% SNB in private hands. "As of 2015 the Nationalbank was privately owned,with the majority of shares belonging to cantons (45%) and banks of cantons (15%), and the smaller ...
- SickOfScam commented Mar 23, 2017
Yes, but SNB will never admit how much they earned through all these "interventions" (manipulation).
- SickOfScam commented Mar 22, 2017
This guy and his everyday lies become a nightmare.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 21, 2017
These are not my words. Such nonsense can be written only by kid, so I thought that your kids play on the computer.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 21, 2017
hey kid! ...run away from dad's computer!
- SickOfScam commented Mar 21, 2017
Hey Pink, relax ... I have what I need .... teeea....and... video
- SickOfScam commented Mar 21, 2017
After all think I need some Twee... ouuups thought some Tea....
- SickOfScam commented Mar 21, 2017
You claimed that Juncker said : ... And after you've corrected in My little radical Communist. Skew someone's word is a lie, plagiarism, and with it - even punishable.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 21, 2017
Can you prove where he said that, or is it just (another one) of your fabrication and - plagiarism?
- SickOfScam commented Mar 21, 2017
Plagiarism? Today's radical-right-wingers are just like the Communists in the last century. Exhibitionists with cheap rhetoric and - bad intentions.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 20, 2017
This is a very bad sign for a country where serious politicians have no valid arguments to cover political clowns. That case is now UK and Nigel Farage + gang.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 19, 2017
Now you can see how easily will your fasctard (when the time comes) change the flag and rhetoric.
- SickOfScam commented Mar 19, 2017
quote=Devauxt; Humans are inherently tribal and territorial, as are most animals. Humans have operated largely successfully in this way for thousands of years. UK is a country of disparate nations and disparate cultures. I see nothing wrong in these ...
- SickOfScam commented Mar 19, 2017
Lucrezia has already been praised as "a good piece of ass" by her connoisseur. The point is that chancellor Angela Merkel went on an official visit to USA (not New Dynasty Borgias) and the question is - what does Ivana do at the table where everyone ...
- SickOfScam commented Mar 18, 2017
"At a business round table, at which the German leader was sat next to -->Ivana Trump" Birth of new Borgias, Episode 1