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- bhale commented Feb 19, 2012
All that is happening with this Greek default mess is governments trying to keep the banks and traders in credit default swaps from losing their investment. WTF! Do any of you have a gaurantee that you won't lose money when you trade forex, stocks, ...
- bhale commented Feb 19, 2012
As for being tired of Greek news, there are so many "financial news" outlets these days. TV, radio, blogs, web sites, you name it. They have to have something to talk about. I believe Greece will exit the Euro. How it is handled will be interesting ...
- bhale commented Nov 27, 2011
some typos in my last post, should read 'can be sustained' ...
- bhale commented Nov 27, 2011
Governments have overspent promising massive entitlements to it's citizens. The solution is common sense reformes that scale back these programs and promote GDP growth. That's not likely to happen since the public is now addicted to these ...
- bhale commented Nov 22, 2011
Everybody tamed their budget crisis in the mid 90s. Nothing earth shaking here.
- bhale commented Nov 11, 2011
They took lobby money from the brokers. What does FIFO do to protect the trader? Nada! What does 'no hedgng' do to protect the trader? Nada. It hampers the trader and favors the broker, as if they didn't already have a upper hand not unlike the ...
- bhale commented Nov 9, 2011
I'm gonna do the Bernanke trade this morning. 9 times out of 10, when he gets in front of a microphone, the dollar goes down 50 pips across the board. Hespeaks at 8:30 AM CST
- bhale commented Nov 4, 2011
This is getting to be a regular occurance, as my dear old Mom would say. And BS I'd say. This is like global warming. Why does this guy get a pass? I wouldn't piss in the next stall with Corzine. OWS can't change the porta potties, much less the ...
- bhale commented Oct 12, 2011
great article
- bhale commented Oct 9, 2011
I love what Herman Cain said. "If you don't have a job, if you ain't rich, don't blame Wall St, blame yourself."
- bhale commented Oct 7, 2011
I hate payroll Fridays. I stay out all together this day. A lot of volativity over nothing
- bhale commented Oct 4, 2011
Goldman Sachs should know. They "own" the current administration as well as the treasury. Well not really own it, but they do have check writing priviledges.
- bhale commented Sep 29, 2011
My opinion is that big traders, institutions, and now us little 'retail' traders have all the information they need. Fitch, Moddy, and the S&P raters are giving us old news. I believe their rating system is worth diddly squat, and that's about it.
- bhale commented Sep 22, 2011
Sorry- I just read the story... Very good, and humorous. The writer knows his sh*t. I missed the irony cause I've had a few beers and I tend to speak before thinking after a few beers
- bhale commented Sep 22, 2011
Goldman Sachs is the mouth piece. Why would you beleive anything published in print from GS? They tell the public and the media one thng and tell their well heeled clients another. That's why their still in business. They're ruthless on both sides. ...
- bhale commented Sep 20, 2011
Operation Twist sounds a lot like rolling a losing credit spread. You're pushing the loss out in time with the hopes of things going your way. Hey.. sometimes it works. I doubt it does this time
- bhale commented Aug 25, 2011
No matter what Bernanke says, EURUSD and GBPUSD will jump at least 50 pips up. Happens every time he gets in front of a microphone. Been a good trade so far the past 3 years.
- bhale commented Aug 15, 2011
I bet they got tagged for not paying their 'lobbying bill'. Congress is the ultimate protection racket. A couple years ago US customers lost 2 good tools hated by the brokers. The ability to hedge is one, and place conditional orders without ...
- bhale commented Aug 8, 2011
Strange. The story says the dollar is down against 12 of the 16 majors. My charts show that it is up against EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, and CAD. Down against the yen. Is this from Friday's prices?
- bhale commented Aug 7, 2011
Institutional investors and countries already know what they are buying and credit ratings are factored in long term. I think S&P ratings are hyped by the media but ignored by the pros. Why would stocks drop? Company profits aren't dependant on S&P ...