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- Daehoth commented Apr 20, 2020
then do what i did and consider ALL sides..but if you can't..nvm. but i'm gonna roll my eyes at you...because it's warranted. -rolls eyes-
- Daehoth commented Apr 20, 2020
pretty obvious isn't it? however one slices it, this whole situation has pretty much fked everything up. Health wise - no one is anywhere near defeating this. give it a chance, wriggle room, and the virus will blow up all over again. Economy wise - ...
- Daehoth commented Apr 20, 2020
tis an appropriate comment though
- Daehoth commented Mar 16, 2020
Prepare what for commodity.
- Daehoth commented Dec 17, 2019
oh sure, if you consider cheating his way through life good deals. then yea, guess you'd be right.. but then you're one of those other clowns. lol. nevermind, foolish of me to think there are any decent people left in the world.
- Daehoth commented Sep 25, 2019
trumpy boy, not a chance if you get impeached sooner than you think.
- Daehoth commented Jan 26, 2019
“We’re gonna make the best deals” He hasn’t made a single good deal. The absolute worst businessman ever. lol
- Daehoth commented Aug 21, 2018
Hahaha...that's funny. Trump having friends...hahahahahahah..oh, made my day.
- Daehoth commented Oct 17, 2017
Please...the only thing this baffoon speaks about is himself and how he's done nothing wrong..all future articles, should from now on, be titled "Trump speaks about...himself...yet again."
- Daehoth commented Jan 8, 2017
Cliff, forget about MOST of these guys, they are clearly too small minded or too gullible to see the bigger picture and realize what's really going on. There really is no point trying to get through to them. History in the making will prove you ...
- Daehoth commented Nov 3, 2016
It was a no brainer....in fact it was a no brainer even before that news came out.
- Daehoth commented Nov 3, 2016
it simply means there's a tinge of hope...for now.
- Daehoth commented Nov 3, 2016
give it time
- Daehoth commented Nov 3, 2016
yes, please short. i'll gladly take your money :_)
- Daehoth commented Nov 3, 2016
.....brexit = bad = GBP sinking. if there's any doubt being cast that brexit will go through. how likely will the previous prevailing sentiment continue? at least in the short term..? think about it. geez.
- Daehoth commented Jun 22, 2016
EU GDP is 14 trillion
- Daehoth commented Apr 13, 2016
It jumped 18.7% from a year earlier it states. It's not a true reflection of how exports are doing in the immediate period and is certainly not indicative of whether there is true growth from last month or not. A reduction in surplus can only mean ...
- Daehoth commented Mar 23, 2016
What I'm trying to get at is that a lot of people talk .... and we don't really know if they simply do so with a lot of fluff and without much substance to back up their 'words of wisdom'. So I'm just curious is all. How many are actually ...
- Daehoth commented Mar 23, 2016
From @JavierBlas2? Really?? I would think any half wit can tell When WTI dips under $xx just by looking at his/her damn charts.