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- goldfinger commented Feb 6, 2017
Look at our own DT called Nigel who has been stealing money in the name of expense even though he does not even live with his wife. Batty boy response would be "oh whats wrong NF"
- goldfinger commented Feb 5, 2017
Man you make me laugh. please stop or I will end up with 6 pack he he he he
- goldfinger commented Feb 4, 2017
2 down more to go he he he
- goldfinger commented Feb 4, 2017
Cliff- You are trying to have intellectual debate with people who use fox news, youtube and blogs as evidence. Do you remember UK under sharia law, Birmingham is no go area for white, Obama was created in a lab in China? Someone asked me to provide ...
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
when you mate Akin legit rapes you up your batty we will give you high five with a shit lump on your head.
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
Lindsay Lohan has converted to Islam, go and talk to her. She will sort your batty out. You wont be talking out of your batty anymore batty boy.
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
legit rape,rape,rape & rape your leaders want to introduce.
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
you did not answer my question about what you will do when American women are raper in the name of legit rape. Practice what you preach.
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
using7000 people as evidence. there was a time when most people believed earth was flat. Is it flat? Talmud says Jews can rape , murder and take property of goyim by force, I wont use Talmud as evidence as I dont know how to interpret Talmud. Quran ...
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
you do enjoy talking out of your bottom dont u? did you congratulate your mate Akin?
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
In Australia murdering a non white is not a crime.
- goldfinger commented Feb 3, 2017
wow , How about legit rape? How can rape be legit?