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- vox dei commented May 7, 2014
Got harpooned
- vox dei commented May 7, 2014
LOL I recall that. The guy ate a free meal and then got flayed.
- vox dei commented May 7, 2014
Better yet. Don't we all love how the reasons always come only after the fact?
- vox dei commented May 7, 2014
Senate Hearing: Lloyd Blankfein vs. Sen. Levin ; Goldman Sachs: video Bottom line: Market makers, better than anyone else, know who are the weak hands. They make the hands, they make the market! Never take advice from a MM.
- vox dei commented May 7, 2014
The problem with a known liar like GS is that you never know when he's speaking the truth. Also, never put your money on the line unless you have a validated edge.
- vox dei commented May 6, 2014
I don't know about every market maker but GS is a fine contrarian indicator.
- vox dei commented May 6, 2014
Because Goldman went against it's own call?
- vox dei commented Apr 27, 2014
Whenever you meet a robot hit it hard with a baseball bat. That's the only way to be sure Not to mention who would be able to purchase all the goods/services created by the robots without having a job for income.
- vox dei commented Apr 27, 2014
"We are we eat" are we not?
- vox dei commented Apr 27, 2014
Not happening. The banksters will never allow it.
- vox dei commented Apr 27, 2014
- vox dei commented Apr 27, 2014
It's just a matter of time before robots owned by a few take most jobs away from the many.
- vox dei commented Apr 12, 2014
Nice article Jay. I find the core principles high-lighted generally apply not only to trading, but to life in general. Easy/effortless is usually the right way.
- vox dei commented Apr 9, 2014
It's such a sad sight to see the U.S. decadence now compared to it's past glory. But, judging by history I guess it's inevitable. All empires eventually rotten from the inside and collapse on their own weight.
- vox dei commented Apr 8, 2014
Call me paranoid, but I suspect the #1 reason U.S. Government is trying to kill their retail Forex is exactly because they (the powers that be) do not want certain facts/questions about currency to go mainstream.
- vox dei commented Apr 8, 2014
1."All warfare is based on deception" - Sun Tzu 2."A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin 3."If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it..............The lie can be maintained ...
- vox dei commented Apr 8, 2014
LOL well said Grin. US. politicians striving for mediocrity... pathetic. Plus, that's the whole purpose of the EU and the Euro for Germany. Chronic account surpluses.
- vox dei commented Apr 7, 2014
It's interesting how Germany having to pay heavy indemnities after losing WWI couldn't handle austerity and readily tried to print herself out of debt (causing the dreaded Weimar Republic hyperinflation). Fortunately for Germany most of her debts ...
- vox dei commented Apr 2, 2014
Lewis's "Flash Boys" being spammed everywhere. B o r i n g.
- vox dei commented Apr 2, 2014
'or so it is said'