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You wanna buy some bitcoins but dont know where to start let me tell you. You dont need to buy a ...
- ingmarforex commented Nov 11, 2017
url good insights
- ingmarforex replied Nov 11, 2017
wow those guys are pretty accurate not sure if 1 of you is on telegram but founded a nice group for crypto url
- ingmarforex replied Nov 1, 2017
wanna get some free crypto coins signup here free buy some kucoin shares they cheap new exchange and get those free coins everymonth as dividends. url
- ingmarforex replied Feb 2, 2017
The fed has no exit strategy i have been following there balance sheet for sometime now. Everytime they publish i check it. Now the problem is how they heck they gonna exit with having for 5 trillion of treasuries in there portefolio. Preventing a ...
- ingmarforex replied Jan 15, 2017
You focussing to much on your goal just trade. When focussing to much on your goal you get setbacks do stupid things atleast i had that. When you don´t bother about the money it comes easier.
- ingmarforex replied Jan 7, 2017
So which car it is gonna be
- ingmarforex replied Jan 5, 2017
Happy new year el Chongo. Make it a good 1 and start buying euros in the end of feb.
- ingmarforex replied Dec 3, 2016
Think About this. Most people trading clueless, full with emotions if you got working plan you have eliminate atleast 70% of it. 1 more hint find something you can do so you just have to check your trading device sometimes. For example i place my ...
- ingmarforex replied Jan 28, 2016
Still waiting for the faceripper a la 2016 will whe get it don't know not a investor. But hey whe like to predict shit anyway i trade the marbles inbetween But i believe whe will see a faceripper blow off top ala 2016 . Then new president and whe ...
- ingmarforex replied Jan 21, 2016
I agree with your range view. Fed its next move will be important i think they gonna cut and admit there mistake time will tell. If it is too late don't know. Ecb is talking a lot they say march they postpone everytime bundesbank is the trouble ...
- ingmarforex replied Jan 21, 2016
In times of deflation if whe really have 1 but the markets say so far govt bonds are good investments so bullish in this case.
- ingmarforex commented Jan 21, 2016
Porsche prices are verry high at the moment oldtimers. Price have gonne up a lot so good move from him to make some extra cash good investment it was. With low rates people with big money needed to invest so they lots of hard assets.
- ingmarforex replied Jan 20, 2016
What about a nice heroine shot for the market from China this year #stimulus #Faceripper 2016 who knows. or a dull bear market rally.