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- Primate commented Jan 23, 2012
This is not about money printing, it is about euro politicians agreeing and stopping the debt problems. ECB does nothing = market worries about euro and euro goes down. ECB supports bond market (by lending to banks who then buy Italian or Spanish ...
- Primate replied Dec 30, 2011
Hi Steviet, please excuse my commenting in your thread. It is not about 'n' years of growth, it is about knowing why you are winning, and understanding your own weaknesses. IMHO you only reach that understanding by doing it; there is no ...
- Primate commented Dec 20, 2011
You mean you will guess wrongly, Shirley
- Primate commented Dec 12, 2011
It is my assessment that the ratings agencies are either criminally incompetent or criminally intended. I mean .......what kind of institution rates Lehman Bros as credit-worthy just days before their collapse? Off korse zey have ze ideas. First, ...
- Primate commented Dec 12, 2011
too right!
- Primate commented Dec 6, 2011
They will listen to a computer because they will not have pre-judged it to be an idiot. Then, when they don't like or otherwise disagree with the answer, they will blame the computer programmers! Yeah but a really powerful computer would consist of ...
- Primate commented Dec 5, 2011
You don't need a computer to spot the impending financial catastrophe, you just need to read the papers. Every now and then there is a really obvious clue. Let's see, I think the last was went something like "I have abolished boom and bust!"
- Primate commented Dec 5, 2011
Not content with wrecking the financial sytem by encouraging the take-up of SIVs based on shaky mortgages, the ratings agencies are now having a go at the sovereign nations. Wouldn't it be nice if they simply went on holiday or something - for about ...
- Primate replied Dec 5, 2011
Somewhere back up the thread you will find a post from me about how close the PA came to one of my SLs, like about half a pip, and I went on to close in profit. I believe this broker does not stop-hunt. ....that is not the same as having a crap feed ...
- Primate replied Dec 2, 2011
Chill Out — This is not a reply to Karl's post, just my own input. There is quite a lot of un-necessary fear and mud-slinging going on in this thread. I can entirely understand the concerns so here is my experienced view on the ...
- Primate replied Nov 30, 2011
Agreed. Since they are stating publicly that they are re-imbursing clients who were stopped-out that is honest and the best they can do.
- Primate commented Nov 30, 2011
Euro banks have had trouble obtaining US$ because nobody wants Euro-debt; or maybe they just don't want Euros. In a separate note UK banks have been told to make contingency plans for a possible euro-zone break-up. Watch for the smoke-screen. Maybe ...
- Primate replied Nov 30, 2011
I think it is the metal broker hunting the stops. The free charts on Daily FX do not have the spikes. Also I believe Duka would not do this - especially since they are reading this thread. It is a shame but I think it means you cannot trade metals ...
- Primate commented Nov 29, 2011
So, you reckon it might be Goldman Sucks? I mean, when they tried their own voice to raise the Euro everybody sold. .....this means the voice of Twitter must be more powerful than the voice of GS !! (..rushes to open Twatter account..)
- Primate commented Nov 29, 2011
yeah, so's he can come back in your dreams to haunt you !!
- Primate commented Nov 29, 2011
Today I was discussing the fact that Italy is now paying nearly 8% to issue bonds with an Italian at work. His opinion is that our whole system has been doomed ever since the first bond was issued (by an English King to build a Navy fleet). We ...
- Primate replied Nov 29, 2011
I have not noticed this, however there is obviously some strangeness in the PA sometimes. What makes me feel comfortable still is that when you look back in the charts for UsdChf, for instance, you can still find the price anomaly. If they were ...
- Primate replied Nov 28, 2011
Whaddaya mean, what ccy pair !!?
- Primate commented Nov 28, 2011
The trouble is that you don't want the slimy politicians with their hands on the money either.
- Primate commented Nov 28, 2011
I read this article yesterday. I would not call it stoopid, merely designed to sell papers. HOWEVER if you read the last paragraphs (apologies if you did already) the spectre that is raised is not that the Fed might not bail anyone - it is that no ...