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- privatefr replied Aug 16, 2022
there is a way to lock the access to DATA FOLDER in MT4?
- privatefr replied Jun 9, 2022
I AM LOOKING FOR JMA_V2 (attached MT4) for MT5, if anyone can help me, I will appreciate it very much
- privatefr replied Oct 20, 2021
I am interested to participate. Many thanks for your efforts and your generosity Cheers Private
- privatefr replied Apr 16, 2020
are you a coder? I wonder why no one stepped here to offer his (or her) free help. This is the HOLY GRAIL... and we are disclosing it to all traders to see, for free, no strings attached!!!!
- privatefr replied Apr 16, 2020
Dr Dave... you nailed it!! That is the way to the Holy Grail... a lot of indis, the much is better, I specially recommend repainted indicators, they are very very accurate... may be with just 100 or 200 repainting indicators we can get it!!!!
- privatefr replied Apr 16, 2020
Yes, it is a joke!! People will never learn that as 95%+ of the traders fail 95% of all indicator are a piece of s. There is some kind of magical thinking that you can use several indicators (all delayed) to make a profitable system. If you pile ...
- privatefr replied Apr 16, 2020
If you find 1500 not enough to be a sure thing we can add some more, like 1800 or 2000... there is no limit lol
- privatefr replied Apr 16, 2020
My humble request to all master coders. It is possible to make a very simple EA with the latest 1500 indicators I collected in FF? I am pretty sure it will be awesome and profitable!!!
- privatefr replied Apr 3, 2020
Hi Luiz For the same you can use a moving average (I like Jurik MAs) or a channel like Silver Channel. This is not the secret. Regards / Abraço Private image
- privatefr replied Apr 2, 2020
Many thanks Hutch. I am not sure if I will use it but I am interested to see how the indi looks with renko! I trade pure renko charts with guppy MAs as confirmation of trend/consolidation periods. Kindest regards Private
- privatefr replied Mar 31, 2020
Hi are there any serious renko traders around? Cheers Private
- privatefr replied Mar 25, 2020
Good morning to all renko fellow traders! Anyone have a SupDem mt4 indi that works in renko charts? TIA
- privatefr replied Dec 25, 2018
Merry Xmas to all.
- privatefr replied Jul 24, 2018
I was thinking about it, and if the MTF jurik filter you posted in post 164 is not repainted, it will be the most valuable to test with an alarm.
- privatefr replied Jul 21, 2018
Sorry, you are right, the version with alarm is the one attached Anyway, if you can add an alarm to the JMA of post 174, it will be even better. TIA Private
- privatefr replied Jul 20, 2018
The one you posted in post 164
- privatefr replied Jul 20, 2018
Mrtools, I noticed that the MTF jurikfilter you shared (similar to JMA) already has an alarm. Could you plese tell me what is the alarm mode (if any) to be executed when a candle closes in the other side of the indicator line? TIA Private
- privatefr replied Jul 19, 2018
If you can add the alarm I am still interested, will compare the 2 versions. TIA Private
- privatefr replied Jul 19, 2018
Sorry, I thought you have it, then I realized that there are SEVERAL indies with the same (or variations) name! Try this one, pls. And TIA again. Private
- privatefr replied Jul 19, 2018
Dear MrTools It is possible to add a sound alarm when a candle closes above or below this JMA indicator. Many thanks in advance for your outstanding work. Private