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- palabara commented Feb 21, 2018
Just FYI when stock market was in its early stages, it was just as abused if not worst with stocks were printed in basements and then sold off. Whenever something new and large scale is introduced, its never without its own set of problems that get ...
- palabara replied Sep 16, 2017
I love how this is almost equally divided where half the people believe yes and half believe no. I'll just toss in my 2 cents. The notion that brokers went after people stoplosses was TRUE over a decade ago! Almost a decade and half. The reality of ...
- palabara replied Mar 5, 2017
Old thread.. and dkrock was correct then and still stands correct now! Someone been looking at forex for 5 mins and says aha I've figured it out, its like me looking at physics book for a day and saying I am going to build a rocket ship tomorrow! ...
- palabara commented Feb 8, 2017
This is one thing I am complete for is.. Defund the CFTC, get rid of the NFA and dismantle the Dodd-frank. This are all useless government regulatory bodies that are half ass baked reactive crack pots that only act after years of failed policy, with ...
- palabara commented Aug 21, 2016
"To begin with, such systems may work very well. But since the “money” is being created by human deciders rather than the competitive market, distortions are inevitable. Price-fixing, which is what it is, never works." - Quote from the article. It ...
- palabara replied Jun 9, 2015
Just a curious question, but why do you think that price is time independent? Forex is Time Vs Distance. No one looks at it like that but if you even go on 4H Time Frame and zoom out you can see a pattern of cycles in Time Vs Distance how much time ...
- palabara replied Jun 6, 2015
I was thinking about this a lot and I came to the conclusion. I must be an amateur trader , you show me a single candle ask me what is it.. I'll tell you its a candle. The candle itself is part of a larger picture but when you show one signal ...
- palabara replied Jun 4, 2015
eat pray and love move over.. eat poop and trade is coming through
- palabara replied May 28, 2015
going to write a book its going to be called "Forex the one night stand" lol
- palabara replied May 28, 2015
I'll toss in 2 cents and say from my observation point to many people here have way to much attachment to what the Euro will do.. not good for health or bizness this aint a marriage commitment.
- palabara commented May 26, 2015
First Kudos for responding to take defensive stance against hard line is not easy. 2nd of all what you say is all true this are accurate facts and very accurate figures. but the 3rd thing which is also a fact that all this money was given via a ...
- palabara commented May 22, 2015
Funny question when FXCM goes under who will acquire all their accounts lol? FXCM Stock is at $1.25 As of right now so no bump from the news..
- palabara commented May 22, 2015
Gullible people, and this is why majority of people fails.. he recruits people into his pump and dump says its not "illegal" sure why not and then flashes his money for all the people he fooled that's the way to do it. Yet all this panzies follow ...
- palabara replied May 19, 2015
Being humble or egoistical are by no ways defines a trader. They define the person, but you fail or succeed as a trader by the actions you take and obviously believing that the market has been conquered is pretty amusing. Forex is extremely dynamic ...
- palabara replied May 13, 2015
Its funny how you mention FXCM and Boom they appear lol. I guess trying to save that sinking ship.
- palabara replied May 5, 2015
I always find it amusing when if you disagree with someone then your a "hater" you don't agree with me means your an evil A hole because my superiority bestows the heavens! Instead of being open to being criticized, and proving them wrong its easier ...
- palabara commented May 5, 2015
Ain't that the truth. Hence you don't want to be the guy with $100 in chips but don't want to be reckless gaining the $10000 either its a double edged sword.
- palabara commented May 5, 2015
The once who win this game is the once who don't over think the why.. I stopped questioning fundamentals long ago.
- palabara commented Apr 27, 2015
It will be as exciting as watching paint dry and grass grow! Just need to get the guy who does FIFA announcements and yell Goal I mean CHECKMATE!
- palabara replied Apr 19, 2015
The biggest surprise above this videos was that they still using phones to call in their orders which seems so inefficient for a hedge fund firm. Say market is spiraling out of control that is precious time to call broker verify and have them ...