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- Redeemed1 replied Jun 29, 2011
IMO the the Fed and the ECB will throw everything at this to prop it up. Pictures of riots in Greece are at there worst...this stuff tends to spread.
- Redeemed1 commented Jun 18, 2011
God help us, Dodd/Frank are a couple of millionaire leaches that are proven crooks who skate above the law in the many instances. They are responsible for damaging and destroying lives while increasing their own. Dodd couldn't run lest he be exposed ...
- Redeemed1 commented May 23, 2011
If one thinks that a council of wise people could create the Bible in the name of control power and money...they haven't realized that no book or artifact has been more scrutinized for historical accuracy let alone the life changing truth found in ...
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 16, 2011
I'm still waiting for EZ to put a shiny spin on things like they usually do to drive the pair up. So my trades have been with more caution than usual. The fact that its the middle of the month and Trichet has not done much with his bag of tricks is ...
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 16, 2011
Moves like a trap,..... looks like a trap......can we say its a trap?!
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 16, 2011
When Greece and Irelands 10 year bonds hit 7% we know what happened. Portugals is at 7.4 and climbing. Yet, so is the Euro, Go figure
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 16, 2011
Bloomberg reports Japanese military to dump water on reactors from helicopters. Sounds like one of those Japanese monster movies in futility.
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 15, 2011
That is what is being suggested.
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 15, 2011
Brand new AP report did not specify other than a spike in levels forced workers to leave. Edit Fukushima
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 15, 2011
Sadly, reactors are melting down according to Japanese reports. Workers have left the plant, no more water on rods most likely. Extreme danger. Likely to see this pair drop IMO
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 15, 2011
Japan holds the 2nd largest amount of US T-Bills next to China. What happens when/if they start cashing those in when they need funds to rebuild?
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 11, 2011
Volatility = $$$$$ !! If you think it will be difficult, lower your lot size or better yet, trade demo for a bit.
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 11, 2011
I am surprised it is staying in this range.
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 11, 2011
Japan is devasted. 500 to 1000 x more powerful than Haiti. This could kill their economy.Looks like a Hollywood disaster. Mercy
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 11, 2011
13 foot tsunami
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 11, 2011
All this earthquake stuff in asia during asia session, surprised pair is not dropping. Bless those people
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 10, 2011
Thats a monster quake!
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 10, 2011
Thanks, It would be cool to see a stat for DPP getting touched "daily".
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 10, 2011
Question: Maybe a silly question, but I'll go ahead and ask: It seems almost all of the time, the main pivot point (1.38326 IBFX for today) gets touched daily. Unfortunately I haven't tracked this. Am I right or wrong? Any stats? Thanks
- Redeemed1 replied Mar 10, 2011
Might not make it past most of them.