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- 101 Results (4 Threads, 97 Replies)
- Voldemort replied May 23, 2012
you should definitely put some of pressure on these big legitimate brokers. with all the mounting costs of regulation and increased margin requirements... think about all the business they are losing... ...a penny a pip....
- Voldemort replied Aug 9, 2010
No Dealing desk is a completely misleading term and is bound to get banned by the NFA. Many of these companies say they don't have a dealing desk they have a trade desk or trade support. its all bs in my opinion. If you want to trade on an ECN go to ...
- Voldemort replied Jul 12, 2010
the reality is if nobody "has their hand up" there is no counter party
- Voldemort replied Jul 12, 2010
no counter party? do you understand what trading is?
- Voldemort replied Jul 6, 2010
hahahahahah... Im sure that this has nothing to do with the NFA action taken against Gain! Brilliant!
- Voldemort replied Apr 16, 2010
Interesting... i think i may give it a try. anyone else know about this software?
- Multi Account Software?
I just got an email about this trading software... Does anyone know anything about this? or have ...
- Voldemort replied Mar 31, 2010
$100 dollars? really? and you wonder why the NFA doesn't want this business!! write the nfa a letter about your $100 scam so that they can send three officers to investigate. maybe the reason that the nfa is trying to knock leverage down to 10:1 ...
- Voldemort replied Dec 23, 2009
that might be the most ignorant conversation i have ever read... "are you a bucket shop?" who says that? also do you really think that a non bucket shop is going to consider your 1000 quid account? lets get real then to go on and say that IBFX is a ...
- Voldemort replied Jul 13, 2009
i think its funny how the forex savior has gone pretty quiet since FXCM and Gain have gone Anti NFA... ... how do you feel about all these us fcms challenging the NFA's juristiction?????
- Voldemort replied Jul 9, 2009
i agree 100% and think its funny how nobody on this forum wants to read it! they would rather complain!
- Voldemort replied Jul 9, 2009
FXCM Started a Witch HUNT! — I got a call from my broker today asking if i had heard about people saying the new rules banned stops and limits and i kinda laughed and told him to check out forex factory... lol... Long story short is apparently ...
- Voldemort replied Jul 9, 2009
Does anyone have any experience trading FX Options with IKON? and are these the same kind of bianary options taht you guys are talking about? i have had an account with them for a while and have been toying with the idea of opening a small options ...
- Voldemort replied Jun 18, 2009
they steal my charts and sell them on ebay...
- Voldemort replied Jun 14, 2009
i would imagine that FXCM UK uses this bridge to plug MT4 right into their Liquidity sources which would explain the higher spread in the UK operation...
- Voldemort replied Jun 4, 2009
you guys really dont get it huh? FXCM just loaded up that net cap number so that when the new rule came out and everyone was concerned about net cap numbers they would be at the top. now that the 20 million dollar net cap gauntlet has been drawn and ...
- Voldemort replied May 28, 2009
FYI-- i have a small options account with Ikon GM (Parent of Tradeview FX and Ikon-Royal) and i was told that they have over 20 mil they said something like 22 mil
- Voldemort replied May 26, 2009
Mate if that happened to one of them they would be crying like little babies about stop hunting or foul play or some kind... they have no idea what they want. I think what they really want is some bucket shop like fxdd who tells them that their MT4 ...
- Voldemort replied May 26, 2009
Arent you an Ib to them?
- Voldemort replied May 19, 2009
Good Riddance to HEDGING! LOL