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- Eur Usd commented Oct 16, 2016
There are other people from another EU countries, but some people see no difference and they are all "Poles" ;-)
- Eur Usd commented Oct 16, 2016
Don't get me wrong. British people are nice (I would say nicer and more relaxed than Polish people), and I can count on one hand's fingers situations when somebody picked on me just because I am Polish (or picked on me in general in this country), ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 16, 2016
As about merkel - I really don't like her. Listening to what she says looks like she runs the EU, and Germany is the country better than others. As much as I wouldn't mind EU to completely collapse - one country leaving EU is just cutting own throat. ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 16, 2016
I am Polish living in UK for nearly decade. I've been working in this country since I came, longer than I have been working in my own country, never claimed benefits, never claimed council house, always working, always paying rent and now paying off ...
- Eur Usd commented Jun 11, 2016
It was me. And I was so amazed when my bank agreed for 350 years mortgage
- Eur Usd commented Jan 28, 2015
Who are the unlucky 10%?
- Eur Usd commented Jan 18, 2015
Do you really use 1:500 leverage and are you profitable with it?
- Eur Usd commented Nov 20, 2014
I agree I totally agree with you. Not everybody is lazy, but it is big problem. People living of dole for generations, don't want to work, don't want to learn anything, and it does not matter what nationality they are. Lazy means lazy. Also it does ...
- Eur Usd commented Nov 20, 2014
Do you know what is the biggest problem in UK? It is not immigration - of course it is problem but not biggest. The biggest problem is people's laziness, lack of will to self educate and getting money for free - but taking them off people, sending ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 24, 2014
and a bit more about statistics. When the crisis started Poland was said to be the only country with GDP on plus. What a bullshit. How does that compare to casual people's lives? at least 5% of Polish population left abroad within last 10 years, ran ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 24, 2014
a bit of opinion about living in GB, and it has nothing to do with statistics. I will compare situation of casual people in GB in 2007 and now. when I came to UK in 2007 my first job was paid 7.5 per hour. but unemployment was lower, and prices were ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 8, 2014
It is our politicians who make situation look so bad. I assure you that most Poles has nothing against you. It is political games. Most people are pissed off with the government that works against us
- Eur Usd commented Oct 8, 2014
remember that fact that our politicians argue over Ukraine (can't understand why) doesn't mean we have to start hating each other. I've nothing against Russians, I think they are nice people in general, maybe different mentality that Western Europe, ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 8, 2014
The politicians want Euro and it's just a matter of time. Point is society will never raise against them as society is divided, atheists and Catholics, left wing and right wing, po (citizen platform) and pis (law and justice), so they fight each ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 8, 2014
Poland - a country (or shall I say politicians) that will do everything to humiliate its citizens. Kick them out from country, those who stay are disrespected by law and used by so called businessmen (assholes in SUVs). You get only 700 Euro tax ...
- Eur Usd commented Oct 8, 2014
more jobs are going to China and India so there's nothing you can do. 1 guy can run import business and bring to Europe products that could be produced in Europe by European factories and give people jobs. That's why unemployment is high. As long as ...
- Eur Usd commented Sep 25, 2014
I hope the rates will stay low for at least another 10 years - I have mortgage to pay ;-) btw lloyds has lowered down my ISA percentage from 1% to 0.55% - good there's not much left there ;-)
- Eur Usd commented Sep 9, 2014
it's time to print more money ;-) I wish any private person could do it ;-)
- Eur Usd commented Aug 7, 2014
which means: time to sell