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- jamie12 replied Sep 25, 2006
LoL. Think about that! The opinion of people on trading forums is invariably worse than useless. That includes mine, by the way. It is all a lot of nonesense. Sure, it passes the time. But that is all the good it does.
- jamie12 replied Sep 25, 2006
That was exactly my point! Hats off to you for picking it up. I am a dickhead like everyone here. We don't know anything, and that is a fact.
- jamie12 replied Sep 25, 2006
That is brilliant. You made me laugh, man. There is nothing more irking than analysts. Damn, they get it wrong even after the fact!! LoL.
- jamie12 replied Sep 25, 2006
Nobody knows. There are a lot of dickheads who will say this and that, but the fact is they don't know shit.
- jamie12 replied Sep 22, 2006
Of course you need to learn and practice even if you have talent. Tiger Woods has the natural talent but I am sure he works mighty hard too. But, if you have't got the talent, it ain't goona happen. You can spend 10-15 years doing it and get the ...
- jamie12 replied Sep 21, 2006
Diallist, That is one hellva a good post. You have what it takes to be a good trader, but what you have and what you explained is really impossible for the vast majority of people to aquire. I think good traders are born, not made.
- jamie12 replied Sep 21, 2006
Oh, you got that right! I am so bored it is unreal. I am surrounded by computers with blinking prices and, when you think about it, it really is strange to live like this. And the markets being the way they are these days, I am starting to notice ...
- jamie12 replied Sep 21, 2006
Trading FX is a get rich quick scheme. If you are good, you will get rich quick, if not you will go broke, try again, read all the stuff everywhere.... But when you get rich, it is quicker than any body imagines.
- jamie12 replied Sep 21, 2006
That is way too much hassle. Why would anybody do that?
- jamie12 replied Sep 21, 2006
I really like this guy a lot. The best things he said is, 'maybe I am not dumb enough' to trade successfully. You are onto something there, my friend. My advice is to quit. I believe successful traders are born, not made. What does the discepancy ...
- jamie12 replied Sep 21, 2006
I should set up a 'forex training course' and make risk free money. How did you guys start?
- jamie12 replied Sep 20, 2006
I am not going to insult your intelligence by exaplining the basics of probability, but you are wrong. This is not an opnion, it is a mathematical fact. If you can win 1 80% of the time and lose 30 20% of the time, you will be hugely successful. ...
- jamie12 replied Sep 20, 2006
I don't know, but if you can win 75% of the time with a r:r of 1:1, you should borrow as much money as you can from everywhere and trade it for a year. You will never have to worry about money ever again.
- jamie12 replied Sep 20, 2006
Successful traders are born, not made. I find the Turtle's story fascinating. Even clever old Eckhardt believed that the experiment showed trading can be taught to anybody. What that experiment and all the available evidence suggests is that trading ...
- jamie12 replied Sep 20, 2006
If you can trade with 1:1 75% of the time, you have found the holy grail.
- jamie12 replied Sep 20, 2006
I don't understand why people set up to win only a fraction of the time. You can consistently risk 3 to win 1 and still be profitable. Every one says 'oh, you have to win 80% of the time' or something like that. My response is , 'so?'.
- jamie12 replied Sep 20, 2006
How much you win or lose is by far the least important thing in trading. What matters is how much you win/lose and how often. R:R ratios on individual trades mean nothing.
- jamie12 replied Sep 20, 2006
Good point. r:r ratio is one of those things designed to make people lose money.
- jamie12 replied Sep 19, 2006
This is a business is like any other: you get better at it as time passes. The markets are mostly random and this is getting worse as more and more information is available to almost everyone at almost exactly the same time. As a result, ...
- jamie12 replied Sep 19, 2006
It is perfectly possible, of course, for the move to be as a result of the Thailand story but the move then ended at a technical level. This happens all the time after news. If on an NFP day the price moves 100 pips and settles down where it was ...