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- AdrianHNV commented Jul 1, 2011
Lets have a little think about this. CHF is one of the safest currency to hold or invest in. So all those who control the finnacial lives of others are 'selling their holding of CHF' and buying USD instead....................... No wonder the world ...
- AdrianHNV commented Jul 1, 2011
I'm cashing in all of my Gold and changing it over to US dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As its a riskier but safe currency!!
- AdrianHNV commented Jul 1, 2011
Who in their right mind would sell off a ''safe currency'' in favour of a non stable one with such big debts that it would take them thousands of years to get to normal..................... what a load of old HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- AdrianHNV commented Jul 1, 2011
'The move began a little before the news was released'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seems t o be happening quite a bit lately with GB............... and a few others too!
- AdrianHNV commented Jul 1, 2011
Unresolved, unlikely to ever be resolved is more like it.
- AdrianHNV commented Jul 1, 2011
they ought to change their site name to paying-for-bullsh*t
- AdrianHNV replied Jul 1, 2011
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell them all otherwise they will start traing all the CHF pairs
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 30, 2011
Just when it was needed for the market
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 30, 2011
O'dear what a shame. Are we being 'told' that the USA plays by different rules to the rest of the world! Seems that the USA has been caught with it's knickers down and doesn't seem to know how to pull them back up without printing even more toilet ...
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 30, 2011
But the 'toppers' have to keep us bottomers in our places!!!!
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 30, 2011
It's not up his sleave, it's coming out of a hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 30, 2011
LOL.......................amazing how this is still being put forward by FF as '''''''News Worthy''''......... the more of this rubbish that is put here on FF the more likely hood 'people' will stop coming here and start going elsewhere for REAL ...
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 30, 2011
They are only doing what anyone or more to the point everyone would do in their situation.
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 30, 2011
Seems like Obama is still thinking he can pul a 'bunny out of a hat'..................
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 29, 2011
Seems like this is appearing more and more recently. Who-ever is approaving this ''s**te' should be sacked.
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 29, 2011
yea,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lets face it they can't make things much worse, can they?????
- AdrianHNV commented Jun 29, 2011
Really amazing how much these people get paid to 'work these things out' ! maybe I could get a job like that, shouldnt be hard all you need is one brain cell apparently
- AdrianHNV replied Jun 29, 2011
nice 'W' formed on the 4 hour charts nearly a perfect 'double top' funny how the news prints like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!