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- Marsfx commented Jan 28, 2015
I agree, I should come together with a bankraptcy of 350 Billion. Then we re-negotiate a deal tp pay back 10cents to a dollar/euro
- Marsfx commented Jan 28, 2015
My problem is not with zerohedge, they can write whatever they want including the way that they bellive that things should be. Actually I quite enjoy that. My problem was with ALEXEII and his comments about Greece and Greeks
- Marsfx commented Jan 28, 2015
Alexeii, I get that you are Russian!!! from the name. I propose that we GREEKS do exactly as the RUSSIANS declare bankruptcy as few times, then blame the Politician of other countries and call the people that leave there lazy morons. My friend I am ...
- Marsfx commented May 2, 2014
Excuse me but were are you since Dec 2013... FED is stoping QE...and they will stop it completely...Now if they will start again in the future.. I REALLY DO NOT KNOW
- Marsfx commented May 2, 2014
I do not have bloq...
- Marsfx commented May 2, 2014
NO my friend I do not believe everything that I read at the Media...them beign CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Or ZeroHedge...I try to filter everything...
- Marsfx commented May 2, 2014
BullShit the particiapation rate dec 2013 was at 62.8%...Amazing....What you write is not true. And obviously you are missing people that go on retirement??????? People will retire younger on wealth.. and wealth is coming back to the average ...
- Marsfx commented May 2, 2014
excuse me??? NO my friend the labor force particiapation came out at 62.8%. Now the average participation rate is at 63% From DEC 2013-today's number is not 1,000,000 people. check it again
- Marsfx commented May 2, 2014
Markets will not be impressed..they will keep euro up...GUYS we have elections in Europe in 26 days...EURO will stay high to support the argument that crisis is over...After May...everybody will realise that inflation is a problem and Draghi will ...
- Marsfx commented May 2, 2014
Actually MM will push euro/usd up in the immediate future....Market manipulation is on the way..Be extra careful
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
I am greek true...I am greek canadian though.. I have leaved for more than 14 years in Canada.. And I do not advice anybody to do short -term currency trading... Euro will not go down before EU elections are over
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
xaxaxaxaxax here we go again....I am wondering who realised the 0.1% GDP (preliminary) estimate
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
Come on guys.. Can you tell me how is it posible the annuallized GDP (preliminary estimate to be 0.1%) while the GDP Index Q1 to be at 1.3%. The presonal consumtion expentitures at 1,4% (up from 1.1%) and the CORE personal consuption expentiture at ...
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxax estimate of 0.1% growth...Do you want to bet the how much will be the revised number???
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
Somebody Knows something about the GDP number...I am sure about it...
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
They will take euro up...No matter what... The Financial Institutions need FREE MONEY. Now that USA is stopping QE they must force EU into QE....
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
but worst than expected....The news are not good
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
Do not worry. they will revise them down next month as they dis with the last two months.. They are a joke
- Marsfx commented Apr 30, 2014
Good Morning...Just Look at the revision of last month. Real number 0.4% number reported 1.3% a miss of 0.9% last month. Xmmmmmm I am wondering why do they release numbers at all?
- Marsfx commented Apr 29, 2014
do not worry. next month it will be revised upward as last month...Numbers are revised all the time lately