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- alkemi replied Mar 6, 2017
First let me preface by stating that I took Bill Wolfe's course, was trained by him in the methodology, and have corresponded with him regarding setups. I do not mean to rain on anyone's parade, but many of the charts being offered here as Wolfe ...
- alkemi replied Dec 11, 2011
Maybe we should protest the CFTC and NFA and demand that they confiscate profits from the profitable 1% of traders and share them with the losing 99%. Who the hell do these elitist profitable traders think they are?? After all, we are entitled to ...
- alkemi commented Sep 7, 2011
It means that the people of Germany will be on the hook, whether they like it or not, to bail out the mess that is the EU. Despite the fact that their financial house is in relatively good order.
- alkemi commented Sep 7, 2011
Another example of "courts" populated by criminals.
- alkemi replied Jun 27, 2011
There's a lot to be said for a low cost-of-living! But I'm spoiled and a huge fan of indoor plumbing
- alkemi replied Jun 27, 2011
".... so think 10% per week and $200 account could still make a living 6months out." ****************** Really????
- alkemi replied Oct 31, 2010
As I see it , you simply prefer the more circuitous route. All of the above points are contained in and would be brought to light by an indepth examination of the question: How are trading profits most efficiently generated?
- alkemi replied Oct 31, 2010
Exactly. Whether you want to believe it or not, we all trade our beliefs about markets. You could not or would not trade a system or methodology completely at odds with your beliefs about markets, even if it were proven to be profitable. I ...
- alkemi replied Oct 31, 2010
Seeing that documentary was eye-opening for me as well. I expected to see a trader performing with Zen monk-like calm. When I saw how crazy his process was I actually felt pretty good about where I had gotten to in my own trader. But at the end of ...
- alkemi replied Oct 31, 2010
Great points! Thank you for your contribution.
- Towards the making of rational forex traders....
Insight #1: The Myth of "scalping" The insights/opinions found within this thread originate largely ...
- alkemi replied Oct 5, 2010
************ Diversification is definitely a plus when trading robust methodologies such as Joel does. Obviously, if you are trading with a definable edge, the more you can exploit that edge in terms of the number of markets you expose it to, the ...
- alkemi replied Oct 5, 2010
********* The first thing that struck me upon meeting Joel, and you see it confirmed in his DIBS presentation, was how much importance he places upon backtesting before a dollar of his ever goes to risk. For example, I was always intrigued by the ...
- alkemi replied Sep 28, 2010
A couple of years ago, after a few phone conversations, it became apparent to me that Mr. Rensinks insights into trading were of a quality and nature quite far beyond the usual I had encountered. This prompted me to jump in my car and drive 4 hours ...
- alkemi replied Jun 28, 2010
Trading is a business of which success is dependent upon managing and minimizing risk. It is not at all dependent upon ones number of winning trades. The original argument put forward in this thread constantly refers back to "winning". Nothing could ...
- alkemi replied May 16, 2010
You're an A-hole... — If in fact this sob story is true, then you, my friend, are a gigantic a**hole. You've proven yourself decietful and manipulative towards the people who've cared about you most. You're a first-class f**k-up. To continue ...
- alkemi replied May 14, 2010
The retail side of currencies for most folks back in the day was via the Futures market. The Interbank market was only available to individuals with deep deep pockets ( a la Tudor Jones ). I used to love trading the Dmark and was quite perturbed ...
- alkemi replied Mar 20, 2010
Navigating News... — "Can anyone share the criteria they use (regarding news announcements) in deciding weather to stay in or out?" ************** First of all, one must be aware that not all news is created equal. Some reports have much more ...
- alkemi replied Sep 2, 2009
That Seykotas simple Koan-like responses in that interview fly over the head of many first-time readers is the reason so many traders go bust. If you are finally starting to "get it" when you reread that interview, you are probably finally starting ...
- alkemi replied Aug 26, 2009
"BTW, what other "risk-averse methodologies" did you have in mind?" *********** Volatility Breakout strategies are just one of them. They come in various shapes and sizes, but if traded with discipline ( a very big "if"..) and good money management ...