Photo/Illutration Some of the yen-denominated notes found in the trash on March 27 (Provided by Takamatsu City)

TAKAMATSU--A worker manually sorting trash at a city-run waste disposal facility here found 1.46 million yen ($9,640) while handling bulky items.

City government officials said the 146 notes, each with a denomination of 10,000 yen, were discovered during a shift at the citys Seibu Clean Center.

The facility processes trash from households in the city as well as the nearby town of Ayagawa.

City officials are appealing to the owner to contact the center.

They said the worker was shredding bulky trash at the center on March 27 when he came across an old 10,000-yen note. A thorough check turned up a total of 146 notes and a torn 10,000 yen bill.

The bulky waste brought to the center was collected between March 23 and 27.

The owner has three months to stake a claim to the cash, otherwise the city will take possession.